1. Behold, for Layla's kin made ready to depart
Nor waited, though in haste to take their leave.
١. أَلا آلُ لَيلى أَزمَعوا بِقُفولِ
وَلَم يُنظِروا ذا حاجَةٍ لِرَحيلِ
2. They cried aloud and hastened to disperse their train,
And shone with polished bones and coats-of-mail.
٢. تَنادَوا فَحَثّوا لِلتَفَرُّقِ عيرَهُم
فَبانوا بِجَمّاءِ العِظامِ قَتولِ
3. A houri, whose sweet talk could heal the sick,
With lovely throat as fair as early night.
٣. مُبَتَّلَةٍ يَشفي السَقيمَ كَلامُها
لَها جيدُ أَدماءِ العَشِيِّ خَذولِ
4. And smiling lips like drafts of limpid wine,
As if musk-scented dew were sprinkled there.
٤. وَتَبسِمُ عَن عَذبٍ زُلالٍ كَأَنَّهُ
نِطافَةُ مُزنٍ صُفِّقَت بِشَمولِ
5. Turn from her witching smiles and swanlike neck,
Bent as of one who checks a camel's rein.
٥. فَعَدِّ طِلابَ الحَيِّ عَنكَ بِجَسرَةٍ
تَخَيَّلُ في ثِنيِ الزِمامِ ذَمولِ
6. With lovely ankles riding on her skirts,
As if shackled with devils for her shoon.
٦. عُذافِرَةٍ حَرفٍ كَأَنَّ قُتودَها
عَلى هِقلَةٍ بِالشَيِّطَينِ جَفولِ
7. Had but my soul been ransomed for Amr ibn Amer!
Too long the riders at the valley camp.
٧. فَلَو سَلَمَت نَفسي لِعَمروِ بنِ عامِرٍ
لَقَد طالَ رَكبٌ نازِلٌ بِأَميلِ
8. By my life, kin of Malik, well have you
Your guest, the noble chief of flowing locks!
٨. لَعَمري لَقَد جارَيتُمُ آلَ مالِكٍ
إِلى ماجِدٍ ذي جَمَّةٍ وَفُضولِ
9. When fame made clear the glory was his right,
He washed it in the rain-pools after rain.
٩. إِذا واضَحوهُ المَجدَ أَربى عَلَيهِمُ
بِمُستَفرِغٍ ماءَ الذِنابِ سَجيلِ
10. And if on dangerous venture they embark,
He mounts above them on unslippered feet.
١٠. وَإِن يَرتَقوا في خُطَّةٍ يَرقَ فَوقَها
بِثَبتٍ عَلى ضاحي المَزَلِّ رَجيلِ
11. So bar the way, ye Banu Malik, now the paths
Are closed against you, each and every road.
١١. فَصُدّوا صُدودَ الوانِ أَبقى عَلَيكُمُ
بَني مالِكٍ إِذ سُدَّ كُلُّ سَبيلِ
12. Their ugly faces shall not make you fear,
Like people's hearts descendant from Jadilah.
١٢. فَما جَعَلَ الصُعرَ اللِئامَ خُدودُها
كَآدَمَ قَلباً مِن بَناتِ جَديلِ
13. A youth who, whilst he breathes, Fate doth not harm
His neighbor, nor the settled tribes distress.
١٣. فَتىً لا يُضامُ الدَهرَ ما عاشَ جارُهُ
وَلَيسَ لِأَدمانِ القِرى بِمَلولِ
14. He gives the guest the choicest of his wealth,
Yea, and the slaves untouched by whip or brand.
١٤. هُوَ الواهِبُ الكومَ الصَفايا لِجارِهِ
وَكُلَّ عَتيقِ الحُرَّتَينِ أَسيلِ
15. And in the mêlée with the lion of the waste
More bold than at a lover's visitings,
١٥. وَأَشجَعُ في الهَيجاءِ مِن لَيثِ غابَةٍ
إِذا مُستَباةٌ لَم تَثِق بِحَليلِ
16. And horses challenging with clattering hoofs
Like lions roaring in the wild ravine,
١٦. وَخَيلٍ تَعادى بِالكُماةِ كَأَنَّها
وُعولُ كِهافٍ أَعرَضَت لِوُعولِ
17. Still pressing on their course, driving their steeds,
White gleaming the two edges of their swords.
١٧. مُثابِرَةٍ رَهواً وَزَعتَ رَعيلَها
بِأَبيَضَ ماضي الشَفرَتَينِ صَقيلِ
18. A brother, tried and trusty, brave Majid,
Well-born, of generous stock, no weakling he!
١٨. أَخو ثِقَةٍ ضَشمُ الدَسيعَةِ ماجِدٌ
كَريمُ النَثا مَولاهُ غَيرُ ذَليلِ
19. When men stretch forth their palms unto the noble chief,
Thou spreadest treasures with a lavish hand.
١٩. إِذا الناسُ مَدّوا لِلفَعالِ أَكُفَّهُم
بَذَختَ بُعادِيِّ السَراةِ طَويلِ
20. And he's a huge tree-trunk, no flood can reach
Its roots, for from it every channel's dammed.
٢٠. وَجُرثومَةٍ لا يَبلُغُ السَيلُ أَصلَها
فَقَد صَدَّ عَنها الماءُ كُلَّ مَسيلِ
21. The Banu Ahwas reared their glory high,
Then rendered it to chiefs and counselors.
٢١. بَنى الأَحوَصانِ مَجدَها ثُمَّ أُسلِمَت
إِلى خَيرِ مُردٍ سادَةٍ وَكُهولِ
22. And if excel a noble, match him then
With one as noble, or with truer claim.
٢٢. فَإِن عُدَّ مَجدٌ فاضِلٌ عَدَّ مِثلَهُ
وَإِن أَثَّلوا أَدرَكتُهُم بِأَثيلِ
23. Would that the Ahwas' heritage were not
To Malik's sons entrusted, Malik and Aqil!
٢٣. وَليتَ تُراثَ الأَحوَصَينِ فَلَم يَضِع
إِلى اِبنَي طُفَيلٍ مالِكٍ وَعَقيلِ
24. For when clear merit shows the man of worth,
The rulers heed no more an empty boast.
٢٤. فَما يَنظُرُ الحُكّامُ بِالفَضلِ بَعدَما
بَدا واضِحٌ ذو غُرَّةٍ وَحُجولِ