
I see the caravan defying between a strong and swift one

أرى العير تحدى بين قو وضارج

1. I see the caravan defying between a strong and swift one
As the pregnant she-camels disappeared in the morning

١. أَرى العيرَ تُحدى بَينَ قَوٍّ وَضارِجٍ
كَما زالَ في الصُبحِ الأَشاءُ الحَوامِلُ

2. I looked upon them in the forenoon and my tears flowed
For their swaying heads dripping and wet

٢. نَظَرتُ عَلى فَوتٍ ضُحَيّاً وَعَبرَتي
لَها مِن وَكيفِ الرَأسِ رَشٌّ وَواشِلُ

3. I followed them with my eyes until they dispersed
In the night from the leg of the singular camel

٣. فَتَبَّعتُهُم عَينَيَّ حَتّى تَفَرَّقَت
مَعَ اللَيلِ عَن ساقِ الفَريدِ الحَمائِلُ

4. Whenever I shortened my gaze from them resentfully
With a rope when entrusted does not reciprocate trust

٤. فَلَأياً قَصَرتُ الطَرفَ عَنهُم بِجَسرَةٍ
ذَمولٍ إِذا واكَلتُها لا تُواكِلُ

5. Silent she-camels of a caravan with a nose rope
Repelling the carrying litters from its hump

٥. صَموتِ السُرى عَيرانَةٍ ذاتِ مَنسَمٍ
نَكيبِ الصُوى تَرفَضُّ عَنهُ الجَنادِلُ

6. A silent dusky one among them looking about
When its night overtakes it, prolonged

٦. عُذافِرَةٌ خَرساءُ فيها تَلَفُّتٌ
إِذا ما اِعتَراها لَيلُها المُتَطاوِلُ

7. As if I have clad the litter with a wide camel saddle
A careful, dirt dusted one, its sire disciplined

٧. كَأَنّي كَسَوتُ الرَحلَ جَوناً رَباعِياً
شَنوناً تَرَبَّتهُ الرُسَيسُ فَعاقِلُ

8. A disciplined one whose father is enduring
And its mother among the epochs excellent at nuptials

٨. شَنونٌ أَبوهُ أَخلَدِيٌّ وَأُمُّهُ
مِنَ الحُقبِ فَحّاشٌ عَلى العِرسِ باسِلُ

9. When it wants a companion that does not want it
Then from all its hide it is chewing on him

٩. إِذا ما أَرادَت صاحِباً لا يُريدُهُ
فَمِن كُلِّ ضاحي جِلدِها هُوَ آكِلُ

10. You see its head upholding before its croup
As the equalizing load carried the heavy burden

١٠. تَرى رَأسَهُ مُستَحمِلاً قَبلَ رِدفِها
كَما حَمَلَ العِبءَ الثَقيلَ المُعادِلُ

11. And if it struggled, it struggled with abhorrence
And if reckoned an enemy, it reckoned a transferring foe

١١. وَإِن جاهَدَتهُ جاهَدَت ذا كَريهَةٍ
وَإِن تَعدُ عَدواً يَعدُ عادٍ مُناقِلُ

12. They rouse a camel saddle with shades as if
The pickaxes have stirred up its fresh resting place

١٢. يُثيرانِ جَوناً ذا ظِلالٍ كَأَنَّهُ
جَديدُ البِقاعِ هَيَّجَتهُ المَعاوِلُ

13. To the saying rain-pourer I moved my carrying camel
My water-skin to collect it from the water springs

١٣. إِلى القائِلِ الفَعّالِ عَلقَمَةَ النَدى
رَحَلتُ قَلوصي تَجتَويها المَناهِلُ

14. As if I have clad the litter with a Yemeni camel saddle
A careful one nurtured by the chief disciplined

١٤. كَأَنّي كَسَوتُ الرَحلَ جَوناً يَمانِياً
شَنوناً يُرَبّيهِ الرَسيسُ وَعاقِلُ

15. To the glorious fathers, spotted Qaram
For him on the day of superiority tents pitched

١٥. إِلى ماجِدِ الآباءِ قَرمٍ عَثَمثَمٍ
لَهُ عَطَنٌ يَومَ التَفاضُلِ آهِلُ

16. So what was between me, had I met you safe
And wealth, except for few nights

١٦. فَما كانَ بَيني لَو لَقيتُكَ سالِماً
وَبَينَ الغِنى إِلّا لَيالٍ قَلائِلُ

17. By my life, excellent is the man from the family of Ja'far
In Hawran, whom at nightfall ropes tie down

١٧. لَعَمرِي لَنِعمَ المَرءُ مِن آلِ جَعفَرٍ
بِحَورانَ أَمسى أَعلَقَتهُ الحَبائِلُ

18. Indeed, you have left discretion, righteousness, and an obtainer
And an unspoilt kernel - the ignorant opposed it

١٨. لَقَد غادَرَت حَزماً وَبِرّاً وَنائِلاً
وَلُبّاً أَصيلاً خالَفَتهُ المَجاهِلُ

19. And a pot, when the people decamp it boils over
With striving to it the widows hasten

١٩. وَقِدراً إِذا ما أَنفَضَ القَومُ أَوفَضَت
إِلى نارِها سَعياً إِلَيها الأَرامِلُ

20. By my life, excellent is the man, not weak in strength
Nor for the Lord through time neglectful

٢٠. لَعَمري لَنِعمَ المَرءُ لا واهِنُ القُوى
وَلا هُوَ لِلمَولى عَلى الدَهرِ خاذِلُ

21. By my life, excellent is the man, if a sayer
Abstains from saying, or less than doing, a doer

٢١. لَعَمري لَنِعمَ المَرءُ إِن عَيَّ قائِلٌ
عَنِ القيلِ أَو أَدنى عَنِ الفِعلِ فاعِلُ

22. By my life, excellent is the man, not careless
Of the sublime cause, nor neglectful

٢٢. لَعَمري لَنِعمَ المَرءُ لا مُتَهاوِنٌ
عَنِ السورَةِ العُليا وَلا مُتَخاذِلُ

23. His hands almost submit his garment
When the seeking hands met him

٢٣. تَكادُ يَداهُ تُسلِمانِ رِدائَهُ
مِنَ الجودِ لَمّا اِستَقبَلَتهُ الشَمائِلُ

24. Your hands, one is a sea inlet of blood
Pouring forth, and the other a deed of discretion and obtaining

٢٤. يَداكَ خَليجُ البَحرِ إِحداهُما دَماً
تَفيضُ وَأُخرى فِعلُ حَزمٍ وَنائِلُ

25. So if you live, my life will not tire, and if you die
Then in life after your death there is no use

٢٥. فَإِن تَحيَ لا أَملَل حَياتي وَإِن تَمُت
فَما في حَياةٍ بَعدَ مَوتِكَ طائِلُ