
A home of yearning I drew, its roof

أرسم ديار من حنيدة تعرف

1. A home of yearning I drew, its roof
Recognized by eyes raining with knowledge,

١. أَرَسمَ دِيارٍ مِن حُنَيدَةَ تَعرِفُ
بِأَسقُفَ مِن عِرفانِها العينُ تَذرِفُ

2. Watered a tender home, bitter his drink,
A trail flowed from the dark of night, following.

٢. سَقى دارَ حِندٍ مُسبِلُ الوَدقِ مَرُّهُ
رُكامٌ سَرى مِن آخِرِ اللَيلِ مُردِفُ

3. As if my tears the pouring of withered kidneys,
Watered by the eye, leaving it overflowing.

٣. كَأَنَّ دُموعي سَحُّ واهِيَةِ الكُلى
سَقاها فَرَوّاها مِنَ العَينِ مُخلِفُ

4. Tying its reins to the back of a restless she-camel,
Difficult to lead, barely able to turn.

٤. يَشُدُّ العُرى مِنها عَلى ظَهرِ جَونَةٍ
عَسيرِ القِيادِ ما تَكادُ تَصَرَّفُ

5. Naught but to remember what is past
As time goes by and remembrance wounds.

٥. فَلا هِندَ إِلّا أَن تَذَكَّرَ ما خَلا
تَقادُمَ عَهدٍ وَالتَذَكُّرُ يَشعَفُ

6. I recalled India beyond Tihama,
While valley of villages lies between us, impartial.

٦. تَذَكَّرتُ هِنداً مِن وَراءِ تِهامَةٍ
وَوادي القُرى بَيني وَبَينَكَ مُنصِفُ

7. And India knew from afar that when
Comforts lack, I obligingly endure.

٧. وَقَد عَلِمَت هِندٌ عَلى النَأيِ أَنَّني
إِذا عَدِموا يُسراً لِنِعمَ المُكَلَّفُ

8. I return the difficult birth while the sun still lives
To the living, until the host makes room.

٨. أَرُدُّ المَخاضَ البُزلَ وَالشَمسُ حَيَّةٌ
إِلى الحَيِّ حَتّى يوسَعَ المُتَضَيِّفُ

9. When affairs spun, I managed them
With a ladle, keeping inability away.

٩. وَكُنتُ إِذا دارَت رَحى الأَمرِ رُعتُهُ
بِمَخلوجَةٍ فيها عَنِ العَجزِ مَصرِفُ