
Twice he bid me peace, and twice I said,

وسلم مرتين فقلت مهلا

1. Twice he bid me peace, and twice I said,
"Withhold thy greeting; once suffices me;

١. وَسَلَّمَ مَرَّتَينِ فَقُلتُ مَهلاً
كَفَتكَ المَرَّةُ الأولى السَلاما

2. His belly rumbled loud for want of bread
Well stuffed with food and sunk in sleep was he."

٢. وَنَقنَقَ بَطنُهُ وَدَعا رُؤاساً
لِما قَد نالَ مِن شَبَعٍ وَناما