
I am neither a lover nor a serious admirer,

فلست بمحبو ولا جد مكرم

1. I am neither a lover nor a serious admirer,
My goal when I don't praise the people of Mukhram.

١. فَلَستُ بِمَحبُوٍّ وَلا جِدِّ مُكرَمٍ
ثَوائي إِذا لَم أَهجُ آلَ مُخَرَّمِ

2. Shall I make my honor beneath yours for you,
And talk about an honor that was not talked about before?

٢. أَأَجعَلُ عِرضي دونَ أَعراضِكُم لَكُم
وَأَكلُمُ عِرضاً كانَ غَيرَ مُكَلَّمِ

3. And insult a people whose father's glory,
Remained steady in all circumstances, unblemished.

٣. وَأَشتُمُ قَوماً كانَ مَجدُ أَبيهِمُ
عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ راسِياً لَم يُهَضَّمِ

4. He who has a long life, his end is easy,
And his going around was old, undemolished.

٤. فَكانَ طَويلَ الباعِ سَهلاً فِنائُهُ
وَكانَ قَديماً جولُهُ لَم يُهَدَّمِ

5. Patient with what has afflicted him, not cowardly,
And his neighbor in calamities is not safe.

٥. صَبوراً عَلى ما نابَهُ غَيرَ قُعدَدٍ
وَما جارُهُ في النائِباتِ بِمُسلَمِ

6. Generous to the seeker of good, his face shines
When he promises good, he does not regret.

٦. جَوادٌ لِباغي الخَيرِ يُسفِرُ وَجهُهُ
إِذا وَعَدَ المَعروفَ لَم يَتَنَدَّمِ

7. And his sons are honorable, honorable men grew with him
To the highest rank a peerless father.

٧. وَأَبنائُهُ بيضٌ كِرامٌ نَما بِهِم
إِلى السورَةِ العُليا أَبٌ غَيرُ تَوأَمِ

8. He increases the zeal on the morning with his sword
Openly, and the noble horse stumbles in the blood.

٨. يَزيدُ حَمى يَومَ الصَباحِ بِسَيفِهِ
جِهاراً وَكَرَّ المُهرَ يَعثُرُ في الدَمِ