
When he saw that the outskirts of villages were forbidden

لما رأى أن أرياف القرى منعت

1. When he saw that the outskirts of villages were forbidden
And only deceitful measures were allowed

١. لَمّا رَأى أَنَّ أَريافَ القُرى مُنِعَت
وَحارَدَ الكَيلُ إِلّا كَيلَ مَحلوبِ

2. He closed the courtyard with a battle-ready lamp
Of a resolute she-camel, made for adversity

٢. سَدَّ الفِناءَ بِمِصباحٍ مُجالِحَةٍ
شَيحانَةٍ خُلِقَت خَلقَ المَصاعيبِ

3. Like an unassailable darkness that no mosquitoes pierce
Heavy-stepped, with no weakness or flaw

٣. كَوماءَ دَهماءَ لا يَجذو القُرادُ بِها
ثَقيلَةِ الوَطءِ لا رَذلٍ وَلا نيبِ

4. Those who secured wealth kept it with a miser
Whose neck or garment-hem guests must grab

٤. مِن آمِنِ المالِ أَبقاها لَدى شَبَثٍ
جَرُّ الكُماةِ بِرَأسٍ أَو بِتَلبيبِ

5. And drove it to run, with its saddle-cloth trailing
Toward a call from beyond perception's range

٥. وَحَثُّهُ الرَكضَ وَالسِربالُ سابِغَةٌ
إِلى نِداءٍ بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ تَثويبِ