1. By your life! My camels never spoke ill of Labun
Nor abandoned its dwellings since they departed.
١. لَعَمرُكَ ما ذَمَّت لَبوني وَلا قَلَت
مَساكِنَها مِن نَهشَلٍ إِذ تَوَلَّتِ
2. They deemed lawful whatever of Labun's abodes they inhabited
And grazed freely in their meadows wherever they settled.
٢. لَها ما اِستَحَلَّت مِن مَساكِنِ نَهشَلٍ
وَتَسرَحُ في حافاتِهِم حَيثُ حَلَّتِ
3. Noble horsemen prevented them from being herded together
When the rest of the tribe was scattered and displaced.
٣. وَيَمنَعُها مِن أَن تُضامَ فَوارِسٌ
كِرامٌ إِذا الأُخرى مِنَ القَومِ شُلَّتِ
4. Young, restless stallions whose zeal never wanes
If the winding paths were arduous when evening descended.
٤. مَساعيرُ غُرٌّ لا تَخِمُّ لِحامُهُم
إِذا أَمسَتِ الشِعرى العَبورُ اِستَقَلَّتِ
5. Had an upland tribe reached the summit of Simak
Nahshal would still rise above them exalted.
٥. فَلَو بَلَغَت عَوّا السِماكِ قَبيلَةٌ
لَزادَت عَلَيها نَهشَلٌ وَتَعَلَّتِ