
The tribes of Dhubyan turned away frowning

أخو ذبيان عبس ثم مالت

1. The tribes of Dhubyan turned away frowning
The clan of Abs inclined towards folly and error

١. أَخو ذُبيانَ عَبسٌ ثُمَّ مالَت
بَنو عَبسٍ إِلى حَصَبٍ وَمالِ

2. Yet we have no cause to think ourselves better
Except for rejecting their vain false doctrines

٢. فَما إِن فَضلُ ذُبيانٍ عَلَينا
بِخَيءٍ غَيرَ أَقوالِ الضَلاَلِ

3. Rather they were preferred and favored over us
As the right hand is favored over the left

٣. سِوى أَن قُدِّموا وَحَظوا عَلَينا
كَما تَحظى اليَمينُ عَلى الشِمالِ

4. Our association with honored Dhubyan
Weighs on us like mountains

٤. تَنَوُّطُنا بِذُبيانٍ عَزِيزٌ
عَلَينا مِثلُ أَثقالِ الجِبالِ