
O King, to whom Gaza and its plains belong

يأيها الملك الذي أمست له

1. O King, to whom Gaza and its plains belong
And Jaffa, its harbor and citadel abide by his command

١. يَأَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي أَمسَت لَهُ
بُصرى وَغَزَّةَ سَهلُها وَالأَجرَعُ

2. Whatever you desire is granted by your order, whatever you forbid is denied
I complain to you, so hear my grievance: I have been burdened with offspring

٢. وَمَليكُها وَقَسيمُها عَن أَمرِهِ
يُعطى بِأَمرِكَ ما تَشاءُ وَيُمنَعُ

3. Whose appetite is never sated, nor their mother's appetite appeased
They have multiplied against me, neither the elder dies

٣. أَشكو إِلَيكَ فَأَشكِني ذُرِّيَّةً
لا يَشبَعونَ وَأُمُّهُم لا تَشبَعُ

4. Until his time comes, nor does the suckling infant
My master's coldness in providing for them

٤. كَثُروا عَلَيَّ فَما يَموتُ كَبيرُهُم
حَتّى الحِسابِ وَلا الصَغيرُ المُرضَعُ

5. And a soul obsessed with dividing it among them
And the old craft, while our kinsmen

٥. وَجَفاءَ مَولايَ الضَنينِ بِمالِهِ
وَوَلوعَ نَفسٍ هَمُّها بِيَ موزَعُ

6. Till the soil yet we do not
You were sent to the poets like Dahis

٦. وَالحُرفَةَ القُدمى وَأَنَّ عَشيرَنا
زَرَعوا الحُروثَ وَأَنَّنا لا نَزرَعُ

7. Or a camel freed of her nose rope
You forbade me to satirize the miser, so my censure cannot make him afraid

٧. فَبُعِثتَ لِلشُعَراءِ مَبعَثَ داحِسٍ
أَو كَالبَسوسِ عِقالَها تَتَكَوَّعُ

8. You took away the subtlety of speech, leaving no harmful lampoon
Nor beneficial praise

٨. وَمَنَعتَني شَتمَ البَخيلِ فَلَم يَخَف
شَتمي فَأَصبَحَ آمِناً لا يَفزَعُ

9. You were sent to the world to gather its riches
And collect its taxes, always accumulating

٩. وَأَخَذتَ أَطرارَ الكَلامِ فَلَم تَدَع
شَتماً يَضُرُّ وَلا مَديحاً يَنفَعُ

10. You denied yourself its bounty but granted it to the workers
So you are the most excellent greedy one

١٠. وَبُعِثتَ لِلدُنيا تُجَمِّعُ مالَها
وَتَصُرُّ جِزيَتَها وَدَأباً تَجمَعُ

11. Until a cure comes to you in departure
And reaches your neglect, while the most obedient slave remains

١١. وَمَنَعتَ نَفسَكَ فَضلَها وَمَنَحتَها
أَهلَ الفَعالِ فَأَنتَ خَيرٌ مولَعُ

12. The weak family with no good in them
Are best, while the likes of them altogether are mere rabble

١٢. حَتّى يَجيءَ إِلَيكَ عِلجٌ نازِحٌ
فَيُصيبَ عَفوَتَها وَعَبدٌ أَوكَعُ

13. A mother you claimed for them, but their mother died
In the days of 'Aad when Tubba' died

١٣. وَالعَيلَةُ الضَعفى وَمَن لا خَيرُهُ
خَيرٌ وَمِثلُهُمُ غُثاءٌ أَجمَعُ

14. You will soon claim to be their mother
Whilst they ride you because of their weight or suckle you

١٤. أُمٌّ زَعَمتَ لَهُم وَماتَت أُمُّهُم
في عَهدِ عادٍ حينَ ماتَ التُبَّعُ

15. And I see those who inherited the estate of Muhammad
Are shining stars while your star gleams

١٥. فَلتوشِكَنَّ وَأَنتَ تَزعُمُ أُمُّهُم
أَن يَركَبوكَ بِثِقلِهِم أَو يَرضَعوا

١٦. وَأَرى الَّذينَ حَوَوا تُراثَ مُحَمَّدٍ
أَفَلَت نُجومُهُمُ وَنَجمُكَ يَسطَعُ