
I saw you among the women, so you vexed me

ولقد رأيتك في النساء فسؤتني

1. I saw you among the women, so you vexed me
And your refusal, my son, pained me in the assembly

١. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُكِ في النِساءِ فَسُؤتِني
وَأَبا بَنيكِ فَساءَني في المَجلِسِ

2. The humiliated are those whose abodes you visit
The clan of Ibn Jachsh confined in prison

٢. إِنَّ الذَليلَ لَمَن تَزورُ رِكابُهُ
رَهطَ اِبنِ جَحشٍ في مَضيقِ المَحبَسِ

3. They cannot endure while their women
Still complain of disgrace to the feeble enemy

٣. لا يَصبِرونَ وَلا تَزالُ نِسائُهُم
تَشكو الهَوانَ إِلى البَئيسِ الأَبأَسِ

4. The clan of Ibn Jachsh in misfortunes are subdued
Their clothes reek yet their noses remain upturned

٤. رَهطُ اِبنِ جَحشٍ في الخُطوبِ أَذِلَّةٌ
دُسمُ الثِيابِ قَناتُهُم لَم تُضرَسِ

5. With sneering from the length of their slavery, their neighbor
Gives darkness in disasters, a guarded gloom

٥. بِالهَمزِ مِن طولِ الثِقافِ وَجارُهُم
يُعطي الظُلامَةَ في الخُطوبِ الحُوَّسِ

6. Cursed by God is the tribe who did not prevent
On the day of Mujaimir their neighbor from weakness

٦. قَبَحَ الإِلَهُ قَبيلَةً لَم يَمنَعوا
يَومَ المُجَيمِرِ جارَهُم مِن فَقعَسِ

7. They left the women with the steeds for a people
The sun of enmity in fierce, unceasing wars

٧. تَرَكوا النِساءَ مَعَ الجِيادِ لِمَعشَرٍ
شُمسِ العَداوَةِ في الحُروبِ الشُوَّسِ

8. Inform the Bani Abs that their carpenter
Is vile and that their father is like a mighty, bellowing bull

٨. أَبلِغ بَني عَبسٍ بِأَنَّ نِجارَهُم
لُؤمٌ وَأَنَّ أَباهُمُ كَالهِجرِسِ

9. Who yields the despised one defiantly when he desires her
With injustice after dryness and frowning

٩. يُعطي الخَسيسَةَ راغِماً مَن رامَها
بِالضَيمِ بَعدَ تَكَلُّحٍ وَتَعَبُّسِ