1. The knight Antara complained of the fatigue of his she-camel
And so he rode upon her back and tightened the ropes
١. شَكَتِ العَنتَريسُ نَصّي وَإِدلا
جي عَلى ظَهرِها وَشَدَّ الحِبالِ
2. Do not complain to me, seek pasture in the valleys
And drink from the abundant plain its flowing water
٢. لا تَشَكَّي إِلَيَّ وَاِنتَجِعي الأَع
وَرَ رَحبَ الفِناءِ جَزلَ النَوالِ
3. Free of hand and tongue, long of speech
Selling the secret of faint morning words
٣. مُطلَقَ الكَفِّ وَاللِسانِ طَويلَ ال
باعِ مِن سِرِّ ضِئضِءِ الأَقوالِ
4. So his resolute she-camel underestimated the burden of provisions
And the far journey in the darkness of night
٤. فَاِستَخَفَّت مُنايَ ذِعلِبَةُ الغَد
وَةِ غِبَّ السُرى مَروحُ الكَلالِ
5. His journey takes him to visit the tents of Arabs
At the abodes of the generous and the virtuous
٥. قاصِدٌ سَيرُها تَزورُ بَني العَب
بابِ أَهلَ النَدى وَأَهلَ الفِضالِ
6. So she passed by Abu Sharik and did not wrong
Her love for Malik or others
٦. فَتَرامَت أَبا شَريكٍ وَلَم تَظ
لِم هَواها لِمالِكٍ أَو أَثالِ
7. Where women warriors do not deny their nature
When their mothers urge them in duels
٧. حَيثُ لا تُنكِرُ المُجالِحَةُ العَب
طَ إِذا ضَنَّ أُمَّهاتُ الفِصالِ
8. They hamstring the camels for the raiders
At every lair filled with rogues
٨. يَعقِرونَ العِشارَ لِلطارِقِ التَو
وِ لَدى كُلِّ جَحرَةٍ مِمحالِ
9. Lazy in their bonds, slow in the scales
They imagine the image of ignoramuses
٩. مُتَراخي الحُبى ثَقيلينَ في المي
زانِ يَشفونَ صَورَةَ الجُهّالِ
10. Their concern is the one-eyed humbler
Selling the winds to the wretched left-handed
١٠. هَمُّها الأَعوَرُ الهِجانُ مُبا
ري الريحِ لِلشَرمَحِيَّةِ الأَزوالِ
11. The ancestors raised him to the summit of glory
And he did not rely on his uncles
١١. رَفَعَتهُ الآباءُ في سَقَبِ العِز
زِ وَلَم يَتَّكِل عَلى الأَخوالِ
12. So desires recognized his excellence
When his nobility bloomed, so a good shelter for men
١٢. فَاِعتَرَفتَ الرُغبى هُنَيدَةَ مِن فَض
لِ ثَراهُ فَنِعمَ مَأوى الرِجالِ
13. And excellent is the young man when perils arrive
And the claim of disasters is for fighting
١٣. وَلَنِعمَ الفَتى إِذا اِحتُضِرَ البا
سُ وَكانَت دَعوى الكُماةِ نَزالِ
14. A teacher who strikes the armored one with the sword
When he advances below the ridge of hillocks
١٤. مُعلِمٌ يَضرِبُ المُدَجَّجَ بِالسَي
فِ إِذا صالَ دونَ سُمرِ العَوالي
You blocked Al-Harith ibn Ka'b
١٥. سُدتُمُ الحارِثَ بنَ كَعبٍ أُ
لي السُؤدَدِ في مَجدِها بِعَشرِ خِلالِ
16. The most honorable among you in his glory by ten merits
You are the defenders on the side of honor
١٦. أَنتُمُ المانِعونَ ناحِيَةَ السِر
بِ بِكُم حَدُّ سَورَةِ الأَبطالِ
17. By you is the limit of the chapter of heroes
And the protectors showing kindness to the lowly
١٧. وَالمُجيرونَ العاطِفونَ عَلى الدَه
رِ صِحابَ المَيسورِ في كُلِّ حالِ
18. The prosperous among you in every state
And refuge of the weak in days of trial
١٨. وَمُناخَ العافينَ في زَمَنِ المَح
لِ إِذا أَجحَرَت حَنينُ الشَمالِ
19. When the longing of the north wind wails
And by the seperation in speech for the unkempt plan
١٩. وَبِفَصلِ الخِطابِ لِلخُطَّةِ البَز
لاءِ تُعيِي مَهامِزَ المُقتالِ
20. That frustrates the fault-finder of fights
And by bearing the great at the knot of war
٢٠. وَبِحَملِ العَظيمِ عِندَ عُرى الكَي
دِ إِذا ضَنَّ كُلُّ صائِدِ مالِ
21. When every hunter's possessions are few
And by repelling the opponents, burdensome
٢١. وَبِرَدِّ الخُصومِ شَتّى ثِقالاً
مِثلَ ما وَجَّبَت هِجانُ الجِمالِ
22. As the agitation of camels has mandated
And by the running of the steeds that pelt
٢٢. وَبِقَودِ الجِيادِ تَقذِفُ بِالأَش
لاءِ شُعثاً كَأَنَّهُنَّ السَعالي
23. With arrowheads as if they were ihsaal
And by the despair of the determined then
٢٣. وَبِفَكِّ العُناةِ قَد يَئِسوا في ال
قِدِّ مِن كَرِّ وَفدَةِ الرُحّالِ
24. From the frequent returning of travellers
And by revealing the fog with wise opinion
٢٤. وَبِكَشفِ الغَمّاءِ بِالرَأيِ ذي العَز
مِ إِذا بَلَّدَت دَواهي الرِجالِ