
A square house with a summer lodge for your eyes

أمن رسم دار مربع ومصيف

1. A square house with a summer lodge for your eyes
With water flowing from the spring of life

١. أَمِن رَسمِ دارٍ مَربَعٌ وَمَصيفُ
لِعَينَيكَ مِن ماءِ الشُؤونِ وَكيفُ

2. A shower like two migrant doves
Each carrying twigs in their beaks to build a nest

٢. رَشاشٌ كَغَربَي هاجِرِيٍّ كِلاهُما
لَهُ داجِنٌ بِالكَرَّتَينِ عَليفُ

3. If one turns west after west he makes it return
Against its will, a sandgrouse loyal to its chick

٣. إِذا كَرَّ غَرباً بَعدَ غَربٍ أَعادَهُ
عَلى رَغمِهِ وافي السِبالِ عَنيفُ

4. I remembered ignorance here until my tears welled up
And my friends gathered around me

٤. تَذَكَّرتُ فيها الجَهلَ حَتّى تَبادَرَت
دُموعي وَأَصحابي عَلَيَّ وُقوفُ

5. They say does a Muslim cry from yearning
When his face is turned in devotion to God?

٥. يَقولونَ هَل يَبكي مِنَ الشَوقِ مُسلِمٌ
تَخَلّى إِلى وَجهِ الإِلَهِ حَنيفُ

6. So away with the one whose blame erased my weakness
A kneeling camel turned away in the reins

٦. فَلَأياً أَزاحَت عِلَّتي ذاتُ مَنسِمٍ
نَكيبٍ تَغالى في الزِمامِ خَنوفُ

7. Casting flesh and the slain of its enemy
On each other, entrails and carcass intertwined

٧. مُقَذَّفَةٌ بِاللَحمِ وَجناءُ عَدوُها
عَلى الأَينِ إِرقالٌ مَعاً وَوَجيفُ

8. To you happy one I came burdened
With concerns met by kin and fatigue

٨. إِلَيكَ سَعيدَ الخَيرِ جُبتُ مَهامِهاً
يُقابِلُني آلٌ بِها وَتَنوفُ

9. Were it not for He whose disobedient father
Would have been hung from the thorns of al-‘Ushsh

٩. وَلَولا الَّذي العاصي أَبوهُ لَعُلِّقَت
بِحَورانَ مِجذامُ العَشِيِّ عَصوفُ

10. Were it not for the noble true-hearted youth
Generous through days of adversity well-known

١٠. وَلَولا أَصيلُ اللُبِ غَضٌّ شَبابُهُ
كَريمٌ لِأَيّامِ المَنونِ عَروفُ

11. When he turns with determination to the enemy
His resolve is not weakened, pearls and petals interlaced

١١. إِذا هَمَّ بِالأَعداءِ لَم يَثنِ هَمَّهُ
كَعابٌ عَلَيها لُؤلُؤٌ وَشُنوفُ

12. A steed for them in the abode, excellent and joyous
And a gait like the walk of a smooth-stepping wild cat

١٢. حَصانٌ لَها في البَيتِ زِيٌّ وَبَهجَةٌ
وَمَشيٌ كَما تَمشي القَطاةُ قَطوفُ

13. Had he wished he could veil the sun from view
With a screen, the folded cloak a protection

١٣. وَلَو شاءَ وارى الشَمسَ مِن دونِ وَجهِهِ
حِجابٌ وَمَطوِيُّ السَراةِ مُنيفُ

14. But he preferred to reveal it with noble white horses
Purebred, piercing the non-Arabs

١٤. وَلَكِنَّ إِدلاجاً بِشَهباءَ فَخمَةٍ
لَها لَقَحٌ في الأَعجَمينَ كَشوفُ

15. When one day he leads them to death row upon row
Will follow in their tracks rows upon rows

١٥. إِذا قادَها لِلمَوتِ يَوماً تَتابَعَت
أُلوفٌ عَلى آثارِهِنَّ أُلوفُ

16. So they lined up and what can iron do against them
And whites like the chicks of ostriches abundant

١٦. فَصُفّوا وَماذِيُّ الحَديدِ عَلَيهِمُ
وَبَيضٌ كَأَولادِ النَعامِ كَثيفُ

17. Their souls turned to the gardens of Eden
With beyond them only good things for the righteous

١٧. أَنابَت إِلى جَنّاتِ عَدنٍ نُفوسُهُم
وَما بَعدَها لِلصالِحينَ حُتوفُ

18. Light in step, worry cannot fill his chest
When foul food is his lot, he's not discontent

١٨. خَفيفِ المِعى لا يَملَأُ الهَمُّ صَدرَهُ
إِذا سُمتَهُ الزادَ الخَبيثَ عَيوفُ