1. My eyes have never seen the like of Urwah, so stately,
Nor a lord, when slippers slip, so deft to retrieve them.
١. لَم تَرَ عَيني مِثلَ عُروَةَ خُلَّةً
وَمَولىً إِذا ما النَعلُ زَلَّ قِبالُها
2. You, man, have saved me from grave calamities,
Fearsome perils you repealed, or harsh afflictions.
٢. وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ نَجَّيتَني مِن عَظيمَةٍ
مَخوفٍ رَداها أَو شَديدٍ وَبالُها
3. Glory you sought for men whom fickle time betrayed,
With your generous soul preserving their repute.
٣. وَمَجدٍ لِأَقوامٍ شَآهُم طَلَبتَهُ
بِنَفسِ كَريمٍ صَونُها وَاِبتِذالُها
4. Sweeter to me than honeyed dates; around him
A ready wit - should you require, it is prepared.
٤. وَأَحلى مِنَ التَمرِ الجَنِيِّ وَعِندَهُ
بَسالَةُ نَفسٍ إِن أُريدَ بَسالُها
5. My speech is firm as a bow, consummate when loosed,
A sword, when souls are pierced, inflicting death.
٥. وَأَقوَلُ مِن قُسٍّ وَأَمضى إِذا مَضى
مِنَ السَيفِ إِذ مَسَّ النُفوسَ نَكالُها
6. Generous as the wild cows, you have gifted me
Fine steeds, outfitted, with saddles well-secured.
٦. وَأُدمٍ كَأَرآمِ الظِباءِ وَهَبتَها
مَراسيلَ مَشدودٍ عَلَيها رِحالُها