1. Allah does not distance one who bid farewell to their land
My bothersome brother, but distance did the parting
١. لا يُبعِدِ اللَهُ إِذ وَدَّعتُ أَرضَهُمُ
أَخي بَغيضاً وَلَكِن غَيرُهُ بَعُدا
2. Allah does not distance one who gives plenty and one who
Loves the glorious, neither stingy nor hostile was he
٢. لا يُبعِدِ اللَهُ مَن يُعطي الجَزيلَ وَمَن
يَحبو الجَليلَ وَما أَكدى وَلا نَكِدا
3. One whom you meet with kindness, delighted
If he persevered, he purified the blameworthy and froze folly
٣. وَمَن تُلاقيهِ بِالمَعروفِ مُبتَهِجاً
إِذا اِجرَهَدَّ صَفا المَذمُومِ أَو صَلَدا
4. I met him cool as ice, his fingers dripping
If he gives you today, nothing prevents him tomorrow
٤. لاقَيتُهُ ثَلِجاً تَندى أَنامِلُهُ
إِن يُعطِكَ اليَومَ لا يَمنَعكَ ذاكَ غَدا
5. I am his aid, my love and alliance
And keeper of his absence whether he's gone or witnessed
٥. إِنّي لَرافِدُهُ وُدّي وَمَنصَرَتي
وَحافِظٌ غَيبَهُ إِن غابَ أَو شَهِدا