
Alas Ummama raged after calm

ألا هبت أمامة بعد هدء

1. Alas Ummama raged after calm
Rebuking me, outraged at my injustice

١. أَلا هَبَّت أُمامَةُ بَعدَ هَدءٍ
تُعاتِبُني وَتَجبَهُني بِظُلمِ

2. Angry that she saw me err
And yield to fate as my body weakened

٢. تُعاتِبُ أَن رَأَتني سافَ مالي
وَطاوَعتُ القِيادَ وَرَثَّ جِسمي

3. Age clothed me in its shroud
Youth bid farewell as my bones grew frail

٣. وَقَنَّعَني القَتيرُ خِمارَ شَيبٍ
وَوَدَّعَني الشَبابُ وَرَقَّ عَظمي

4. I said: Ummama, this is no cause for blame
Now that my body is ruined and decayed

٤. فَقُلتُ لَها أُمامَةُ لَيسَ هَذا
عِتاباً بَعدَما أَنحَلتِ جِسمي

5. If events have led me astray
And their arrows missed when I shot

٥. فَإِن تَكُنِ الحَوادِثُ أَقصَدَتني
وَأَخطَأَهُنَّ سَهمي حينَ أَرمي

6. The fault is mine for following
A reckless arrow - I was foolish and lacked wisdom

٦. فَقَد أَخطَأتُ حينَ تَبِعتُ سَهماً
سَفاهاً ما سَفِهتُ وَزَلَّ حِلمي

7. I followed them and neglected loyalties
So they abandoned my flesh and blood

٧. تَبِعتُهُمُ وَضَيَّعتُ المَوالي
فَأَلقَوا لِلضِباعِ دَمي وَلَحمي

8. I lost dignity and it fled from me
And misery filled my innards through and through

٨. وَضَيَّعتُ الكَرامَةَ فَاِرمَأَدَّت
وَقُبِّضتُ الشَقا في جَوفِ سَلمي

9. I lost comfort and it deserted me
Embracing disgrace as my taste turned bitter

٩. وَضَيَّعتُ النَعيمَ فَبانَ مِنّي
وَعانَقتُ الهَوانَ وَقَلَّ طُعمي

10. Exchanging comfort for an abode of humiliation
Such is my craft and such is my knowledge

١٠. وَبُدِّلتُ النَعيمَ بِدارِ ذُلٍّ
كَذَلِكَ حِرفَتي وَكَذاكَ عِلمي

11. Never has my left hand brought good
Nor my right hand brought bounty

١١. فَما لَقِيَت شِمالي يَومَ خَيرٍ
وَما لَقِيَت يَميني يَومَ غُنمِ