
We stopped at the house of Al-Zubairqan while we were in movement

أنخنا ببيت الزبرقان وليتنا

1. We stopped at the house of Al-Zubairqan while we were in movement
We stayed for a while in the midst of the perfumed house

١. أَنَخنا بِبَيتِ الزِبرِقانِ وَلَيتَنا
مَضَينَ فَقِلنا وَسطَ بَيتِ المُخَبَّلِ

2. We sought shade near it and drew water with our water-skin ropes
From its plentiful and weak interconnected water supply

٢. ظَلِلنا لَدَيهِ نَستَقي بِحَبالِنا
بِذي المَتنِ مِنها وَالضَعيفِ المُوَصَّلِ

3. Al-Zubairqan does not refuse his guest on the day
Of the God-fearing ascetic or the trusting worshipper

٣. وَما الزِبرِقانُ يَومَ يَحرِمُ ضَيفَهُ
بِمُحتَسَبِ التَقوى وَلا مُتَوَكِّلِ

4. Nor the knowledgeable man, for none but He knows what tomorrow holds
Except that he will raise up the ridges of the pond with his pick

٤. وَلا عالِمٍ ما في غَدٍ غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
يُرَفِّعُ أَعضادَ الحِياضِ بِمِعوَلِ

5. Firmly established upon a building, preventing its water
Plentiful water - the water of a thirsty, diseased woman

٥. مُقيمٌ عَلى بُنيانَ يَمنَعُ مائَهُ
وَماءُ وَسيعٍ ماءُ عَطشانَ مُرمِلِ

6. He remained conversing with Umm Shathara sitting
As if bitter colocynth were upon her window sill

٦. وَظَلَّ يُناجي أُمَّ شَذرَةَ قاعِداً
كَأَنَّ عَلى شُرسوفِها كُرزَ حَنظَلِ

7. You are the redemption for Ibn Hawdha's son, for he
Hosted us without stinginess or making excuses

٧. فَأَنتَ الفِداءُ لِاِبنِ هَوذَةَ إِنَّهُ
قَرانا فَلَم يَبخَل وَلَم يَتَعَلَّلِ

8. We took shade near him during torrid heat and abundance
While my feet remained in a meadow and a stream

٨. ظَلِلنا لَدَيهِ في شِواءٍ وَنِعمَةٍ
وَظَلَّت رِكابِي في سَرِيٍّ وَجَدوَلِ