
Unless there be wealth to be gained, then verily

إلا يكن مال يثاب فإنه

1. Unless there be wealth to be gained, then verily
My praise of Zayd son of Muhallal will come.

١. إِلّا يَكُن مالٌ يُثابُ فَإِنَّهُ
سَيَأتي ثَنائي زَيداً اِبنَ مُهَلهِلِ

2. You have not dealt treacherously with us, but you took us by surprise
One morning when we met you at Al-Muzdalif.

٢. فَما نِلتَنا غَدراً وَلَكِن صَبَحتَنا
غَداةَ اِلتَقَينا بِالمَضيقِ بِأَخيُلِ

3. The blindness of war avoided the striking of his spear
As the wild animals avoid the striking of deadly weapons.

٣. تَفادى كُماةُ الخَيلِ مِن وَقعِ رُمحِهِ
تَفادي خَشاشِ الطَيرِ مِن وَقعِ أَجدَلِ

4. And you were given love by us the day we met you
And the clan of Badr is one that does not act thoughtlessly.

٤. وَأَعطَتكَ مِنّا الوُدَّ يَومَ لَقيتَنا
وَمِن آلِ بَدرٍ وَقعَةٌ لَم تُهَلِّلِ