
I have not seen a people like the people I saw

ولم أر قوماً مثل قوم رأيتهم

1. I have not seen a people like the people I saw
On the summits of the land, more ardent and honorable

١. وَلَم أَرَ قَوماً مِثلَ قَومٍ رَأَيتَهُم
عَلى وَلَجاتِ البَرِّ أَحمى وَأَنجَبا

2. Kill the wavering one in every assembly
When time shakes the crowds and muddles them

٢. وَاِقتُل المرَّواسَ في كُلِّ مَجمَعٍ
إِذا ضَعضَعَ الدَهرُ الجُموعَ وَكَبكَبا

3. So we are imprisoned at Zimazim after
They prepared for us in the courtyard of the house an order

٣. فَنَحنُ حَبَسنا بِالزِمازِمِ بَعدَما
أَقاموا لَنا في عَرصَةِ الدارِ تُرتَبا

4. We killed them between one released fort
To the dusty plain one day cloaked

٤. قَتَلناهُم ما بَينَ قَلعٍ مُطلَقٍ
إِلى القَيعَةِ الغَبراءِ يَوماً مُطَنَّبا