1. God watered some slain near the Euphrates
And others near Athbaj of lofty Najaf.
١. سَقى اللَهُ قَتلى بِالفُراتِ مُقيمَةً
وَأُخرى بَأَثباجِ النِجافِ الكَوانِفِ
2. We marched to Hormuz with the Kawazim
And the twin horns of Qarnayn at Jaraf.
٢. فَنَحنُ وَطِئنا بِالكَواظِمِ هُرمُزاً
وَبِالثَنيِ قَرنَي قارِنٍ بِالجَوارِفِ
3. When we besieged the palaces, there followed
At Hirah and Rawhaa a bloody aftermath.
٣. وَيَومَ أَحَطنا بِالقُصورِ تَتابَعَت
عَلى الحيرَةِ الرَوحاءِ إِحدى المَصارِفِ
4. We made them descend from there while their throne
Almost toppled with them by acts of the coward.
٤. حَطَطناهُمُ مِنها وَقَد كادَ عَرشُهُم
يَميلُ بهِم فِعلَ الجَبانِ المُخالِفِ
5. We shot at them accepting the arrows while they saw
The signs of death around those arrow-slits.
٥. رَمَينا عَلَيهِم بِالقَبول وَقَد رَأَوا
غَبوقَ المَنايا حَولَ تِلكَ المَحارِفِ
6. At dawn they said: “We are a folk who descended
To the open country from the land of veiled Arabs.”
٦. صَبيحَةَ قالوا نَحنُ قَومٌ تَنَزَّلوا
إِلى الريفِ مِن أَرضِ العُرَيبِ المَقانِفِ