
The horses knew not our equality

لم تعرف الخيل العراب سواءنا

1. The horses knew not our equality
On an eve of confusion by the ships

١. لَم تَعرِفِ الخَيلُ العُرابُ سَواءَنا
عَشِيَّةَ أَغواثٍ بِجَنبِ القَوادِسِ

2. On an eve we lanced with spears as though
They were on the folk the hues of cranes

٢. عَشَيَّةَ رُحنا بِالرِماحِ كَأَنَّها
عَلى القَومِ أَلوانُ الطُيورِ الرَسارِسِ