
Did not the living horseman of the Persians forbid us?

ألم ينه عنا حي فارس إننا

1. Did not the living horseman of the Persians forbid us?
We have prevented them from their quarters with swords

١. أَلَم يَنهَ عَنّا حَيُّ فارِسٍ إِنَّنا
مَنَعناهُم مِن رَبعِهِم بِالصَوارِمِ

2. We are a people who have accustomed our horses
To meet the enemies with piercing blades

٢. وَإِنّا أُناسٌ قَد نُعَوِّدُ خَيلَنا
لِقاءَ الأَعادي بِالحُتوفِ الفَواطِمِ

3. And the day we killed wherever his cheek trembled
And every chieftain we struck with great blows

٣. وَروزَ قَتَلنا حَيثُ أَرجَفَ خَدُّهُ
وَكُلُّ رَئيسٍ رازَنا بِالعَظائِمِ

4. We left a barren harvest no friend would drag away
And its masters were cured by the non-Arabs

٤. تَرَكنا حَصيداً لا أَنيسَ يجره
وَقَد شَفِيَت أَربابُهُ بِالأَعاجِمِ

5. And I hope that their groups will encounter
Tomorrow one of the piercing swords

٥. وَإنّي لَراجي أن تُلاقي جُموعُهُم
غُدَيّا بِإِحدى المُنكَراتِ الصَوارِمِ

6. I will tell Asma that her husband
Perished from the day of battle with the non-Arabs

٦. أَلا أَبلِغا أَسماءَ أَنَّ حَلِيلها
قَضى وَطَرا مِن رَوزَبِيِّ الأَعاجِمِ

7. The morning we left their groups as a harvest
With an Indian sword that splits open skulls

٧. غَداةَ صَبَحنا في حَصيدٍ جُموعَهُم
بِهِندِيَّةٍ تَفري فِراخَ الجَماجِمِ

8. And the day the swords of the tribe of Amr
Struck with one of the great calamities

٨. وَروزَ أَصابَت بِالمَنايا فَأَوجَعَت
سُيوفُ بَني عَمرٍو بِإِحدى العَظائِمِ