
His love is lively and full of spirit

حبوته جياشة بالنفس

1. His love is lively and full of spirit
Radiant like the sun's rays

١. حَبوَتُهُ جَيّاشَةً بِالنَفسِ
هَدّارَةً مِثلَ شُعاعِ الشَمسِ

2. On a day when help is needed, as night overwhelms the horsemen
Attack the enemy fiercely with all your might

٢. في يَومِ أَغواثٍ فَلَيلِ الفُرسِ
انخُسُ بِالقَومِ أَشَدَّ النَخسِ

3. Until you and your comrades prevail

٣. حَتّى تَفيضَ مَعشَري وَنَفسي