
Who will inform Malik's tribes that I

من مبلغ عني القبائل مالكاً

1. Who will inform Malik's tribes that I
Was virtuous when the tribes began to wail?

١. مَن مُبلِغٍ عَنّي القَبائِلَ مالِكاً
وَقَد أَحَسَنت عِندَ النِياحِ القَبائِلُ

2. To God we struggled, though Persia still desires
Evil, while we ask on the fearful frontier.

٢. فَلِلَهِ جاهَدنا وَفي الفُرسِ بُغيَةٌ
وَنَحنُ عَلى الثَغرِ المَخوفِ نُسائِلُ

3. Yet you stay stubborn, even if disaster strikes
And befalls us on the mighty frontier,

٣. وَأَنتُم عِنادٌ إِن أَلَمَّت مُلِمَّةٌ
وَحَلَّت عَلَينا في الثُغورِ الجَلائِلُ

4. Do you recall when we arrived and you were still
At the residences of Chosroes, affairs confused?

٤. وَهَل تَذكُرونا إِذ نَزَلنا وَأَنتُم
مَنازِلَ كِسرى وَالأُمورُ جَوائِلُ

5. We became a cloak for you at Hulwan after
We had all arrived and the troops were descending.

٥. فَصِرنا لَكُم رِدءاً بِحُلوانَ بَعدَما
نَزَلنا جَميعاً وَالجُموعُ نَوازِلُ

6. So we are forefront, we conquered at Hulwan after
The imam and the fine men were seen over Chosroes.

٦. فَنَحنُ الأُلى فُزنا بِحُلوانَ بَعدَما
أَرَنَّت عَلى كِسرى الإِما وَالحَلائِلُ