
Did not the news reach you, and prosper,

ألم يأتيك والأنباء تنمي

1. Did not the news reach you, and prosper,
And ascend in the shining heavens?

١. أَلَم يَأَتيكَ وَالأَنباءُ تَنمي
وَتَصعُدُ في المَلمَعَةِ الفَيافِ

2. We avoided it, and our homes altogether,
Before the cavalry with the firm hills.

٢. تَوَقَينا وَمَنزِلَنا جَميعاً
أَمامَ الخَيلِ بِالسَمرِ الثِقافِ

3. We divided their land in half, until
We descended like their dwellings, plenty.

٣. قَسَمنا أَرضَهُم نِصفَينِ حَتّى
نَزَلنا مِثلَ مَنزِلَهُم كَفافِ

4. Calling whom we did not call, the family of Chosroes,
And the watchmen were eager to leave.

٤. دُعاءً ما دَعونا آلَ كِسرى
وَقَد هَمَّ المَرازِبُ بِاِنصِرافِ

5. And it was not their courage but cheese,
We shot them with a shot of piercing.

٥. وَما إِن طبُّهُم جبنٌ وَلَكِن
رَمَيناهُم بِرامِيَةٍ ذُعافِ

6. So we opened the river Shir with a word of truth,
It came to us, not from the poetry of deception.

٦. فَتَحنا نَهرَ شيرَ بِقَولِ حَقٍّ
أَتانا لَيسَ مِن سَجعِ العَوافِ

7. And the hearts of the people flew from us,
And they walked the beating with the light thin.

٧. وَقَد طارَت قُلوبُ القَومِ مِنّا
وَسَروا الضَربَ بِالبيضَ الخفافِ