
And this money is granted to men

وهذا المال يرزقه رجال

1. And this money is granted to men
Who are revealed to be swindlers when tested

١. وَهَذا المالُ يُرزَقُهُ رِجالٌ
مَناديلٌ إِذا اِختُبِروا فَسولُ

2. And people's sustenance is brought to them
In quantities predestined by the Most High

٢. وَرِزقُ الخَلقِ مَجلوبٌ إِلَيهم
مَقاديرٌ يُقَدِّرُها الجَليلُ

3. As the land is watered with ample rain
And minds cannot be bought with money

٣. كَما تُسقى سَباخُ الأَرضِ رِيّاً
وَلا بِالمالِ تُقتَسَمُ العُقولُ

4. It was as if you had stirred my heart
So you came with what quenched my thirst

٤. كَأَنَّكَ كُنتَ قَد خامَرتَ قَلبي
فَجِئتَ بِما شَفَيتَ بَهَ الغَليلا

5. I saw the skill of brevity as more healing
Thus much of what is not from you became little to me

٥. رَأَيتُ بَراعَةَ الإيجازِ أَشفى
فَصارَ كَثيرُ غَيرِكَ لي قَليلا