1. How ugly is asceticism in one who asks,
And how ugly is miserliness in one who is wealthy,
١. ما أَسمَجَ النُسكَ بِسَآلِ
وَأَقبَحَ البُخلَ بذي المالِ
2. And how ugly is wealth that is not
With a brother of generosity and favor.
٢. وَأَقبَحَ الثَروَةَ ما لَم تَكُن
عِندَ أَخي جودٍ وَإِفضالِ
3. And greed is the worst trait of a young man -
There is no good in greed no matter the state.
٣. وَالحِرصُ مِن شَرِّ أَداةِ الفَتى
لا خَيرَ في الحِرصِ عَلى حالِ
4. He who sleeps needing his family
Is disdained by the son of uncle and aunt.
٤. مَن باتَ مُحتاجاً إِلى أَهلِهِ
هانَ عَلى اِبنِ العَمِّ وَالخالِ
5. No one has fallen into hardship
More burdensome than poverty.
٥. ما وَقَعَ الواقِعُ في وَرطَةٍ
أَزرى بِهِ مِن رِقَّةِ الحالِ