
The gifts of bounty have attained no goal, however high,

وما بلغ الإنعام في النفع غاية

1. The gifts of bounty have attained no goal, however high,
Of excellence, but thanks outstrips them all.

١. وَما بَلَغَ الإِنعامُ في النَفعِ غايَةً
مِنَ الفَضلِ إِلّا مَبلَغُ الشُكرِ أَفضَلُ

2. And none of those who stretch their hands in hope
Have reached a hand so far, but gratitude's is longer still.

٢. وَما بَلَغَت أَيدي المُنيلينَ بَسطَةً
مِنَ الطَولِ إِلّا بَسطَةُ الشُكرِ أَطوَل

3. And never has a man's good deed availed
Against himself, weighed with his thanks, to tip the scale.

٣. وَما رَجَحَت بِالمَرءِ يَوماً صَنيعَةٌ
عَلى المَرءِ إِلّا وَهيَ بِالشُكرِ أَثقَل