
O you who comprehensively counts all things, knowledgeably and wisely,

ويا محصي الأشياء علما وحيطة

1. O you who comprehensively counts all things, knowledgeably and wisely,
Masterfully ordaining, determining, and governing with wisdom,

١. ويا محصيَ الأشياء علماً وحيطة
وقهراً وتقديراً وتدبير حكمة

2. You have encompassed and counted all existence and what is in it,
So that not an atom's weight escapes your counting,

٢. احطت وأحصيت الوجود وما به
فما أفلت الاحصاء مثقال ذرة

3. Seeing what you have manifested of all that is manifest,
Knowing what you have hidden of all that is secret,

٣. بصير بما أظهرت من كل ظاهر
خبير بما أبطنته من خفية

4. And you have counted, protecting my obedience and testing me,
And you have counted my states, stages, and innate nature,

٤. وأحصيت حفظاً طاعتي وتبتلي
وأحصيت حالاتي وطوري وفطرتي

5. And you have counted what will come and what the appointed term will leave,
And what they have secretly harbored of evil intentions,

٥. وأحصيت ما يأتي وما يذر العدى
وما أضمروا من سيئات الطوية

6. And you have counted the atoms of purposes absolutely,
And you have counted my deeds, words, and intentions,

٦. وأحصيت ذرات المقاصد مطلقاً
وأحصيت أعمالي وقولي ونيتي

7. And you have counted the provisions for souls, determining,
For each according to wisdom and what is beneficial,

٧. وأحصيت أرزاق النفوس مقدراً
لكل بوفق الحكمة المصلحية

8. And you have counted the provisions for hearts, sending down
To them according to preparedness and receptivity,

٨. وأحصيت أرزاق القلوب تنزلاً
لها حسب الاستعداد والقابلية

9. And you have counted the mysteries of guidance, providing
To the beasts of spirits the sea of reality,

٩. وأحصيت أسرار الهدايات مورداً
لهائمة الأرواح بحر الحقيقة

10. Establish me, O Counter, as a watcher and counter
Of my deeds and refrainings, in public and solitude,

١٠. أقمني يا محصي رقيباً ومحصياً
لفعلي وتركي عند جهري وخلوتي

11. And subjugate to me the means of heart and body,
And establish my position with the influence of my will.

١١. وسخر لي الامكان قلباً وقالباً
ومكن مقامي من نفوذ مشيئتي