1. The afflictions overwhelmed me, O Sustainer, and my state
Is known to You, my God, in knowledge and ability
١. دهتني الدواهي يا مقيت وحالتي
لديك الهي بين علم وقدرة
2. And I have no power, O Sustainer, to repel them
Nor a defender below me who can come to my aid
٢. ومالي حول يا مقيت لدفعها
ولا دافع دوني يقوم بنصرتي
3. The bow of destiny has cast them upon me and affirmed
And I have cast You, my God, as my sure shot
٣. رمتني بها قوس القضاء فأثبتت
ورميتك الله أثبت رمية
4. Your mercy fulfills whatever You wish, so resolve them
O God, by Your power, wherever they have settled
٤. حنانيك تقضي ما تشاء فحلها
بقدرتك اللهم من حيث حلت
5. For me there is a way out through Your kindness, dispel them
And if my soul frets for it and feels distress
٥. فلي مخرج منها بلطفك رزئها
وإن جزعت نفسي له وتضنت
6. A destined decree led by Your Lord's destiny
And Your command, my Lord, is above that which is led
٦. مقدرة سيقت بقدرة ربها
وأمرك ربي فوق تلك المسوقة
7. And how many tribulations, whose bitterness I have tasted
Your kindness has resolved upon them and they have vanished
٧. وكم صعبت ضراء عضت بها اللها
فحل عليها لطفه فتجلت
8. My God, I have a soul and body, both
Obtain from You, O Sustainer of creation, their sustenance
٨. الهي لي روح وجسم كلاهما
له منك قوت يا مقيت البرية
9. So facilitate for my soul its sustenance as the best wisdom
And facilitate for my body its sustenance as the best livelihood
٩. فيسر لروحي قوتها خير حكمة
ويسر لجسمي قوته خير عيشة
10. For there is no atom but You are its Sustainer
Granting it sufficiency, all for a reason and wisdom
١٠. فما ذرة إلا وأنت مقيتها
كفايتها كل لوجه ونسبة