1. In the name of Allah, the praise of my innate nature
In Allah is my sincerity and to Allah my inclination
١. هو اللّه بسم اللّه تسبيح فطرتي
هو اللّه إخلاصي وفي اللّه نزعتي
2. In the name of Allah, my essence stripped itself bare
And the eye of my truth roamed the majestic light
٢. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذاتي تجردت
وهامت بمجلى النور عين حقيقتي
3. In the name of Allah it shone radiantly
With the lights of Allah's light, my soul lit up
٣. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ضاءت فأشرقت
بأنوار نور اللّه نفس هويتي
4. In the name of Allah, in every moment
With the secrets of the secret of unity, my dispersion gathered
٤. هو اللّه بسم اللّه في كل لحظة
بأسرار سر الجمع جمع تشتتي
5. In the name of Allah, particles of my world
Their rings are the beginning, as is the particle of my world
٥. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذرات عالمي
خواتمهما بدء كعالم ذرتي
6. In the name of Allah, I stirred and witnessed
Flashes of glory, from “I am Allah”, my absence vanished
٦. هو اللّه بسم اللّه هبت فشاهدت
بروق جلال من أنا اللّه غيبتي
7. In the name of Allah, I witnessed His name
And melted away in annihilation of annihilation, my selfhood
٧. هو اللّه بسم الله شاهدت اسمه
فتاهت بافناء الفناء أنيتي
8. In the name of Allah, my poverty is realized
My sustenance and humility, by His name, are my honour
٨. هو اللّه بسم اللّه فقري محقق
غذائي وذلي باسمه عين عزتي
9. In the name of Allah, the light of His majesty
With it, defects of my soul burned away and I was reborn
٩. هو اللّه بسم اللّه نور جلاله
به احترقت آفات نفسي ونشأتي
10. In the name of Allah, the secrets of His name
With them I was struck down, devils of desire
١٠. هو اللّه بسم اللّه أسرار اسمه
بها صعقت عني شياطين شهوتي
11. In the name of Allah, my thoughts grew pure
And sincere, not for my vain wishes did they lean
١١. هو اللّه بسم اللّه تزكو خواطري
وتصدق إلا عن مراضيه لفتتي
12. In the name of Allah, my oneness stripped bare
For His oneness, as from Him to Him is my oneness
١٢. هو اللّه بسم اللّه جردت وحدتي
لوحدته إذ منه لي فيه وحدتي
13. In the name of Allah, the witnessing of Him brought me intimacy
And if eyes missed Him, I would die of desolation
١٣. هو اللّه بسم اللّه أنسي شهوده
ولو غيبته العين مت بوحشتي
14. In the name of Allah, I fixed my sight
Upon Him alone, dedicating my soul purely to seeing Him
١٤. هو اللّه بسم اللّه أوقفت رؤيتي
عليه وديني مخلصاً نفسي رؤيتي
15. In the name of Allah, my pilgrimage and umrah
To His frequented house, as it is my shelter
١٥. هو اللّه بسم اللّه حجي وعمرتي
إلى بيته المعمور إذ هو بضعتي
16. In the name of Allah, my soul, my feelings
And my ritual, my life, and my love are dedicated
١٦. هو اللّه بسم اللّه نفسي مشاعري
ونسكي حياتي والمحبة وقفتي
17. In the name of Allah, without His prayers upon me
My prayers and prostrations would have no might
١٧. هو اللّه بسم اللّه لولا صلاته
عليَّ لعزتني صلاتي وسجدتي
18. In the name of Allah, not a moment passed
That I forgot my covenant to the innate nature
١٨. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ما صمت لحظة
على أنني لم تعهد الفطر فطرتي
19. In the name of Allah, my testimony
And the prayer of night vigil in the wings of darkness
١٩. هو اللّه بسم اللّه وتري شهادتي
وتلك صلاة الوتر في جنح ظلمتي
20. In the name of Allah, I struggled mightily
And so in it, by it, from Him came my triumph
٢٠. هو اللّه بسم اللّه جاهدت شوكتي
فكانت له فيه به منه نصرتي
21. In the name of Allah, my attribution
To Him is my purification, and my noblest lineage
٢١. هو اللّه بسم اللّه كون اضافتي
إليه زكاتي وهي أفخر نسبتي
22. In the name of Allah, realized is my will
My purpose, my affirmation, erasing my desire
٢٢. هو اللّه بسم اللّه محق ارادتي
مرادي واثباتي لمحوي بغيتي
23. In the name of Allah, His will was made manifest
I have no power but through His empowering gifts
٢٣. هو اللّه بسم اللّه نفذ مشيئتي
ومالي بشيء جزء حولي وقوتي
24. In the name of Allah, if my annihilation opposed life
My life would not leave with my death
٢٤. هو اللّه بسم اللّه لو عارض الفنا
حياتي لم تذهب حياتي بموتتي
25. In the name of Allah, in every circumstance
Certainty in Him steadies me in each step
٢٥. هو اللّه بسم اللّه في كل وارد
له من يقيني فيه كل تثبت
26. In the name of Allah, in each footstep
His angel oversees me and lifts up my swimming pace
٢٦. هو اللّه بسم اللّه في كل خطوة
له ملك منى يطير بسبحتي
27. In the name of Allah, smooth became my ascent
To Him, my descent in the realms of awe
٢٧. هو اللّه بسم اللّه أسنى معارجي
إليه نزولي في مدارك خشيتي
28. In the name of Allah, sovereign of my worlds
By the mystery of the Name's arrangement in subduing my fist
٢٨. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ملك عوالمي
بتدبير سر الاسم في قهر قبضتي
29. In the name of Allah, my domination compelled
The devils of my soul under the throne of my honour
٢٩. هو اللّه بسم اللّه قهري مسخر
شياطين نفسي تحت كرسي عزتي
30. In the name of Allah, and seriousness by His name
Seriously, by the name of seriousness, my steps grew firm
٣٠. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والجد باسمه
بجد اسمه أربت على الجد خطوتي
31. In the name of Allah, and abundance by His name
Was unveiled to my intellect, the quiddity of every truth
٣١. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والفيض باسمه
تجلى لعقلي كنه كل حقيقة
32. In the name of Allah, and opening by His name
My knowings of gnosis and unveilings were inaugurated
٣٢. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والفتح باسمه
فتوحات عرفاني وكشفي استهلت
33. In the name of Allah, and granting by His name
He poured upon granting every mystery
٣٣. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والوهب باسمه
أفاض على الوهب كل خفية
34. In the name of Allah, and light by His name
The light of Allah shone in my humanness
٣٤. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والنور باسمه
تشعشع نور اللّه في بشريتي
35. In the name of Allah, and sanctity by His name
My monotheism and innate faith were sanctified
٣٥. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والقدس باسمه
تقدس توحيدي وايمان فطرتي
36. In the name of Allah, and gathering by His name
My separation was gathered and my gathering separated
٣٦. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والجمع باسمه
تجمع فرقاني وفرقت جمعتي
37. In the name of Allah, and spirit by His name
I was sustained by His spirit from every death wish
٣٧. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والروح باسمه
تداركني من روحه كل منيتي
38. In the name of Allah, and gentleness by His name
His gentleness flowed in my misery and so it faded away
٣٨. هو اللّه بسم اللّه واللطف باسمه
سرى لطفه في شقوتي فاضمحلت
39. In the name of Allah, and might by His name
I was strengthened with overwhelming might beyond all might
٣٩. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والعز باسمه
تعززت عزاً قاهراً كل عزة
40. In the name of Allah, and subjugation by His name
I subjugated those I willed, my weakness and humiliation
٤٠. هو اللّه بسم اللّه والقهر باسمه
قهرت عدائي تحت قهري وسطوتي
41. In the name of Allah, the reverence of His name
Clothed me in light, majesty and awe
٤١. هو اللّه بسم اللّه هيبة اسمه
كستني نوراً من جلال وهيبة
42. In the name of Allah, the honour of His name
Established my abode in His good pleasure and authority
٤٢. هو اللّه بسم اللّه عزة اسمه
أقامت محالي في رضاه وسلطتي
43. In the name of Allah, the dominion of His name
With it I overpowered those beyond my hands and power
٤٣. هو اللّه بسم اللّه سلطان اسمه
غلبت به من فاق أيدي وقوتي
44. In the name of Allah, the sway of His name
With it I broke those I willed, my softness and disgrace
٤٤. هو اللّه بسم اللّه سطوة اسمه
قصمت بهامن شاء وهني وذلتي
45. In the name of Allah, He of the possession, I yielded
And the faces of the insolent were downcast and disgraced
٤٥. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي الملك أذعنت
وشاهت وجوه المعتدين وذلت
46. In the name of Allah, He of omnipotence, how many
Arms of power that sought me out failed
٤٦. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي الجبروت كم
يدي جبروت حاولتني فشلت
47. In the name of Allah, He of the kingdom, from
His treasuries came my abundance, affluence and wealth
٤٧. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي الملكوت من
خزائنه وفري ويسري وغنيتي
48. In the name of Allah, He of glory, verily
Through glorifying Him I gained glory of kingship
٤٨. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي المجد إن لي
بتمجيده مجداً على الملكية
49. In the name of Allah, He of pride, I do not
Debase myself, connecting by His remembrance
٤٩. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي الكبرياء لا
أذل وأشقى وبالذكر وصلتي
50. In the name of Allah, He of light, I follow guidance
And guide, and by His name erase every darkness
٥٠. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي النور أهتدي
وأهدي وأمحو باسمه آي ظلمتي
51. In the name of Allah, He of praise and laudation
His praises from me are admission of my bewilderment
٥١. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي الحمد والثنا
محامده مني اعترافي بحيرتي
52. In the name of Allah, He of the throne, I feel no confinement
His heavenly supplies expand my breadth
٥٢. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي العرش لم أضق
وامداده العرشي يوسع حيطتي
53. In the name of Allah, He of bounty and riches
My riches, amplitude, expansiveness and fortune
٥٣. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي الطول والغنى
غنائي وطولي واتساعي وثروتي
54. In the name of Allah, He of benefaction, whenever
I wished in destitution, benefaction expanded my condition
٥٤. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي المن كلما
منيت ببؤس وسع المن بسطتي
55. In the name of Allah, He of mercy, tribulations were lifted
From me, the evil of destinies that befell me
٥٥. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ذي الرحمة انجلت
لوازب من سوء القضا بي حَلَّتِ
56. In the name of Allah, O Lord, leave not
My lower self to evil, a single excellent moment
٥٦. هو اللّه بسم اللّه يا رب لا تدع
لأمارتي بالسوء نقطة خيرة
57. In the name of Allah, O Lord, lead me not astray
And meet me with the presentation of my argument
٥٧. هو اللّه بسم اللّه يا رب لا تُزغ
جناني ولقيني مع العرض حجتي
58. In the name of Allah, the roads of my travail
And my youth passed in serving Your good pleasure
٥٨. هو اللّه بسم اللّه سبل سخيمتي
وشبت على مرضاة وجهك خدمتي
59. In the name of Allah, take away my obstacles
And dictate not to me hastily binding prohibition
٥٩. هو اللّه بسم اللّه اذهب قواطعي
ولا تلقني مستحسرا قيد لمحة
60. In the name of Allah, grant me a power
That regulates my regulation in each step
٦٠. هو اللّه بسم اللّه هب لي قوة
تصرف لي التصريف في كل نقطة
61. In the name of Allah, facilitate my goals
And resolve my stillness, my constraint and knots
٦١. هو اللّه بسم اللّه يسر مقاصدي
وحل جمودي وانحساري وعقدتي
62. In the name of Allah, pour upon me patience
In Your tribulation, and for You be my utterance of gratitude
٦٢. هو اللّه بسم اللّه أفرغ عليَّ في
بلائك صبراً وليك الشكر لهجتي
63. In the name of Allah, realize my inheritance
And join my lineage to the prophetic lineage
٦٣. هو اللّه بسم اللّه حقق اراثتي
وصل نسبتي بالنسبة الرسلية
64. In the name of Allah, make firm my resoluteness
Upon guidance, for it is the origin of my nature
٦٤. هو اللّه بسم اللّه ثبت عزيمتي
على الرشد إن الغي أصل طبيعتي
65. In the name of Allah, grant me comprehensiveness of
Felicity in this world and after my death
٦٥. هو اللّه بسم اللّه هب لي جوامع ال
سعادة في الدنيا وعقبي منيتي
66. In the name of Allah, favour me with a glance
That saves me from my wretchedness and downfall
٦٦. هو اللّه بسم اللّه جد لي بنظرة
تدارك جذبي من شقائي وأخذتي