
To the effective King in His kingdom when

إلى الملك الفعال في ملكه لما

1. To the effective King in His kingdom when
My soul's awe and desire of Him transcended limits

١. إلى الملك الفعال في ملكه لما
يريد تناهى رهب نفسي ورغبتي

2. He is the Choosing Doer of what He wills being done
And what He willed not, cannot come against His will

٢. هو الفاعل المختار ما شاء كائن
وما لم يشأ لم يأت ضد المشيئة

3. He is the source of deeds, having created them by His will
And if they occurred as acquisition through the act of the creation

٣. هو المصدر الأفعال خلقاً أراده
وإن صدرت كسباً بفعل الخليقة

4. He chooses what effect He sanctifies
Above the innate futility and crookedness

٤. يؤثر ما يختار فعلاً مقدساً
عن العبث الفطري والعوجية

5. And His effect is due to His existence
Not His effect by nature

٥. وما فعله تأثيره لوجوده
ولا فعله تأثيره بطبيعة

6. Nor is His effect in emulation of an agent
Nor effect from partnership or assistance

٦. ولا فعله أثر اقتفاء لفاعل
ولا أثر عن شركة أو معونة

7. Nor did He act to repel or benefit Himself
Exalted, nor act out of selfishness

٧. ولا فعله دفع ونفع لنفسه
تعالى ولا فعل على غرضية

8. The causes were affected by Him and thus had effect
By His wisdom, the causation of cause and effect

٨. تأثرت الأسباب عنه فأثرت
بحكمته التأثير بالبسببية

9. And these causes that bring about His action
Are but constrained under His wisdom

٩. وما هذه الأسباب الآت فعله
ولكنها مأسورة تحت حكمة

10. My God, O Effecter, I complain to You of what
Has befallen me, of affliction after affliction

١٠. الهي يا فعال أشكو إليك ما
تناوبني من نكبة غب نكبة

11. My God, so act toward me as You are worthy
In the right of Your Name, the Effecter, and remove my troubles

١١. الهي فافعل بي الذي أنت أهله
بحق اسمك الفعال واكشف ملمتي