
Praise be to Allah, true praise is due to Allah

الحمد لله حق الحمد لله

1. Praise be to Allah, true praise is due to Allah
For that by which He subsists, praise is due to Allah

١. الحمد للّه حق الحمد للّه
بما به قام حق الحمد للّه

2. Praise be to Allah unceasingly without end
Before existence, praising Allah was obligatory

٢. الحمد للّه اطلاقاً بلا أمد
قبل الوجود وجوب الحمد للّه

3. Praise be to Allah, people of praise in eternity
Before relations, our praise is to Allah

٣. الحمد للّه أهل الحمد في أزل
قبل الاضافات منا الحمد للّه

4. Praise be to Allah, without limit or number
And no extent to the greatness of praising Allah

٤. الحمد للّه لا حصر ولا عدد
ولا حدود لعظم الحمد للّه

5. Praise be to Allah, no justice or likeness
And no peer to the value of praising Allah

٥. الحمد للّه لا عدل ولا مثل
ولا نظير لقدر الحمد للّه

6. Praise be to Allah, no beginning or end
And no perishing for the Ever Praiseworthy Allah

٦. الحمد للّه لا بدء ولا أجل
ولا فناء لباقي الحمد للّه

7. Praise be to Allah with the praise He is pleased with
And above what He desires, praise is due to Allah

٧. الحمد للّه بالحمد الرضي له
وفوق ما يرتضيه الحمد للّه

8. Praise be to Allah with the praise that the faculties failed
In the state of praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

٨. الحمد للّه بالحمد الذي عجزت
عنه القوى في مقام الحمد للّه

9. Praise be to Allah with the illuminating praise
Standing by His Names, praise is due to Allah

٩. الحمد للّه بالحمد المنير على
أسمائه قائماً بالحمد للّه

10. Praise be to Allah with the praise His Attributes were described
From the qualities of praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

١٠. الحمد للّه بالحمد الذي وصفت
صفاته من نعوت الحمد للّه

11. Praise be to Allah with the protected praise in the
Treasures of Revelation, the sea of praising Allah

١١. الحمد للّه بالحمد المصون لدى
خزائن الوحي بحر الحمد للّه

12. Praise be to Allah with the special praise for Him
Enraptured by the perfection of praising Allah

١٢. الحمد للّه بالحمد الأخص به
مستغرقاً لكمال الحمد للّه

13. Praise be to Allah with the praise that fills Him
Existence perishes yet praising Allah remains

١٣. الحمد للّه بالحمد الملي به
يفنى الوجود ويبقى الحمد للّه

14. Praise be to Allah with which the great Throne
Was shaken in praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

١٤. الحمد للّه بالحمد الذي هدر ال
عرش العظيم به في الحمد للّه

15. Praise be to Allah the Footstool was drowned
In its glorifications of praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

١٥. الحمد للّه بالحمد الملظ به ال
كرسي في سبحات الحمد للّه

16. Praise be to Allah with which the angels, the people
Of praise, hummed praise is due to Allah

١٦. الحمد للّه بالحمد الذي زجلت
به الملائك أهل الحمد للّه

17. Praise be to Allah, praise of the prophets for Him
For their stations in praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

١٧. الحمد للّه حمد الأنبياء له
على مقاماتها في الحمد للّه

18. Praise be to Allah with the all-encompassing praise
Muhammad received, praise is due to Allah

١٨. الحمد للّه بالحمد المحيط به
محمد متلقي الحمد للّه

19. Praise be to Allah with the praise whose secrets were stored
In the ocean of praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

١٩. الحمد للّه بالحمد الذي خزنت
أسراره في محيط الحمد للّه

20. Praise be to Allah, praise of the sincere for Him
Praise that equals the virtue of praising Allah

٢٠. الحمد للّه حمد المخلصين له
حمداً يكافىء فضل الحمد للّه

21. Praise be to Allah, pure, majestic, blessed praise
Flourishing in it most beautiful praising Allah

٢١. الحمد للّه حمداً طيباً جللاً
مباركاً فيه أسنى الحمد للّه

22. Praise be to Allah, sincere, holy, perfect praise
Embodying the goodness of praising Allah

٢٢. الحمد للّه حمداً زاكياً قدساً
مستوفياً طيبات الحمد للّه

23. Praise be to Allah, praise befitting the Majesty of Allah
Comprehensive of praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

٢٣. الحمد للّه حمداً لائقاً بجلا
ل اللّه مستوعباً للحمد للّه

24. Praise be to Allah, endless, all-inclusive praise
For the essence of praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

٢٤. الحمد للّه حمداً يستمر بلا
طرف شمولاً لجنس الحمد للّه

25. Praise be to Allah, connected to His blessing
Praise corresponding to praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

٢٥. الحمد للّه مقروناً بنعمته
حمداً يطابق شأن الحمد للّه

26. Praise be to Allah, continually completed by it
My gratitude and praising Allah, praise is due to Allah

٢٦. الحمد للّه موصولاً تتم به
مراتب الشكر لي والحمد للّه

27. Praise be to Allah from me, no stopping
Before acceptance and perfection of praising Allah

٢٧. الحمد للّه مني لا وقوف له
دون الرضا وتمام الحمد للّه

28. Praise be to Allah from me, I seek increase by it
Of Allah's bounty, excellence in praising Allah

٢٨. الحمد للّه مني أستزيد به
من نعمة اللّه حسن الحمد للّه

29. Praise be to Allah from me, I overflow by it
From His outpouring, outpouring of praising Allah

٢٩. الحمد للّه مني أستفيض به
من فيضه فيض وهب الحمد للّه

30. Praise be to Allah from me, I draw by it
The ink of the secrets of the secret of praising Allah

٣٠. الحمد للّه مني أستمد به
مداد أسرار سر الحمد للّه

31. Praise be to Allah from me, I regain by it
Missed good wherever praising Allah

٣١. الحمد للّه مني أسترد به
فوائت الخير حيث الحمد للّه

32. Praise be to Allah from me, I begin by it
Allah's subtleties for me in praising Allah

٣٢. الحمد للّه مني أستهل به
لطائف اللّه لي في الحمد للّه

33. Praise be to Allah from me, I grasp by it
His hands from the blessings of praising Allah

٣٣. الحمد للّه مني استدر به
يديه من بركات الحمد للّه

34. Praise be to Allah from me, I cry out for help by it
The greatest aid, aid of praising Allah

٣٤. الحمد للّه مني أستغيث به
أوحى الاغاثات غوث الحمد للّه

35. Praise be to Allah from me, I am emboldened by it
Against my worries, no worries with praising Allah

٣٥. الحمد للّه مني أستفز به
كربي ولا كرب عون الحمد للّه

36. Praise be to Allah from me, I seek refuge by it
Indeed refuge, refuge of praising Allah

٣٦. الحمد للّه مني أستعيذ به
إن المعاذ معاذ الحمد للّه

37. Praise be to Allah from me, I seek sanctuary by it
From all evil, praising Allah grants sanctuary

٣٧. الحمد للّه مني أستجير به
من كل سوء يجير الحمد للّه

38. Praise be to Allah from me, I resign by it
All sins and leaving praising Allah

٣٨. الحمد للّه مني أستقيل به
كل الخطايا وترك الحمد للّه

39. Praise be to Allah from me, I gain by it
My fill of His rewards through praising Allah

٣٩. الحمد للّه مني أستجيز به
حسبي جوائزه بالحمد للّه

40. Praise be to Allah, I find sufficient by it
Affliction, praising Allah suffices affliction

٤٠. الحمد للّه استكفي البلاء به
يكفي البلاء بفضل الحمد للّه

41. Praise be to Allah, I seek reward by it
In the abode of truth, a retreat of praising Allah

٤١. الحمد للّه استعطي الجزاء به
في مقعد الصدق مجلى الحمد للّه

42. Praise be to Allah, I achieve piety by it
The most protective piety, loyalty of praising Allah

٤٢. الحمد للّه استوفي التقاة به
أوقى التقاة وفاء الحمد للّه

43. Praise be to Allah, I avoid threats by it
None miserable when granted success by praising Allah

٤٣. الحمد للّه استوقي الوعيد به
لم يشق مستسعد بالحمد للّه

44. Praise be to Allah, He gave me life and taught me
Guided me and led me rightly, praising Allah

٤٤. الحمد للّه أحياني وعلمني
وساسني وهداني الحمد للّه

45. Praise be to Allah, He enriched me and preferred me
Stood by me and cared for me, praising Allah

٤٥. الحمد للّه أغناني وآثرني
وقام بي ورعاني الحمد للّه

46. Praise be to Allah, He granted me wellness and honored me
Singled me out and blessed me, praising Allah

٤٦. الحمد للّه عافاني وأكرمني
وخصني وحباني الحمد للّه

47. Praise be to Allah, He gave me and authorized me
Closed the doors of my poverty, praising Allah

٤٧. الحمد للّه أعطاني وخولني
وسد أبواب فقري الحمد للّه

48. Praise be to Allah, He purified me and guided me
Shielded me and sufficed me, praising Allah

٤٨. الحمد للّه زكاني وسددني
وحاطني وكفاني الحمد للّه

49. Praise be to Allah, He prioritized me and gifted me
In secret and open, His blessings, praising Allah

٤٩. الحمد للّه أولاني وأتحفني
في السر والجهر نعمى الحمد للّه

50. Praise be to Allah, He supported me and aided me
With His victory and protection, praising Allah

٥٠. الحمد للّه آواني وأيدني
بنصره وحماني الحمد للّه

51. Praise be to Allah, He nurtured me and settled me
A settling from Him, praising Allah

٥١. الحمد للّه رباني وبوأني
مبوءاً من لدنه الحمد للّه

52. Praise be to Allah, He saved me and rescued me
With His light from my misguidance, praising Allah

٥٢. الحمد للّه نجاني وأنقذني
بنوره من ضلالي الحمد للّه

53. Praise be to Allah, He freed me and distinguished me
With reason and knowledge from Him, praising Allah

٥٣. الحمد للّه حلاني وميزني
بالعقل والعلم منه الحمد للّه

54. Praise be to Allah, He inspired me to good
My guidance and made me know it, praising Allah

٥٤. الحمد للّه بالاحسان ألهمني
رشدي وعرفنيه الحمد للّه

55. Praise be to Allah, He brought me near and was good to me
Did not leave me unkempt and unattended, praising Allah

٥٥. الحمد للّه أدناني وأحسن بي
ولم شعثي وأمري الحمد للّه

56. Praise be to Allah, how much wrong He veiled me
From destructive disobedience, praising Allah

٥٦. الحمد للّه كم بالحلم سترني
في موبقات المعاصي الحمد للّه

57. Praise be to Allah, how many woes I dispel by it
He ordained, He sufficed it, praising Allah

٥٧. الحمد للّه كم خطب أبوء به
مما قضاه كفاه الحمد للّه

58. Praise be to Allah, how many favors He bestowed
And I did not fulfill the rights of praising Allah

٥٨. الحمد للّه كم نعماء أسبغها
ولم أقم بحقوق الحمد للّه

59. Praise be to Allah, how much ease He renewed
Kindly and favored me, praising Allah

٥٩. الحمد للّه كم سراء جددها
لطفاً ومنا عليَّ الحمد للّه

60. Praise be to Allah, after how much hardship
By His power, not mine, praising Allah

٦٠. الحمد للّه كم ضراء بعدها
بحوله لا بحولي الحمد للّه

61. Praise be to Allah, how many enemies He tore apart
By His scheme, not mine, praising Allah

٦١. الحمد للّه كم أعداء مزقها
بكيده لا بكيدي الحمد للّه

62. Praise be to Allah, glorification of His Might
And the effort of a servant diffusing praising Allah

٦٢. الحمد للّه تمجيداً لعزته
وجهد عبد يبث الحمد للّه

63. Praise be to Allah, Possessor of praise, praiseworthy, and what
Might he express in praising Allah?

٦٣. الحمد للّه ذي الحمد الحميد وما
عساه أبلغه في الحمد للّه

64. Praise be to Allah, He revived me, send blessings on
Muhammad with the people of praising Allah

٦٤. الحمد للّه أنعشني وصل على
محمد مع أهل الحمد للّه