
You transcended, O Truth, by virtue of His essence

تعاليت يا حق الثبوت لذاته

1. You transcended, O Truth, by virtue of His essence
You were realized, O Right, not by the realization of one who affirms

١. تعاليت يا حق الثبوت لذاته
تحقق حق لا باحقاق مثبت

2. You transcended, O Truth of existence without end
And no time expires upon that which is enduring

٢. تعاليت يا حق الوجود بلا انتفا
ولا أمد يقضى على الثابتية

3. You are glorified, O Truth of necessary divinity
For Your face, our duties of servitude are necessary

٣. تمجدت يا حق الألوهة واجب
لوجهك منا واجبات العبودة

4. You are magnified, O Truth of lordship which
Was manifest with subjugation, power, and mercy

٤. تعظمت يا حق الربوبية التي
تجلت بقهر واقتدار ورحمة

5. You are strengthened, O Truth of majesty, by what belongs to it
Of greatness, glory, and sovereignty

٥. تعززت يا حق الجلال بما له
من الكبريا والمجد والسطوية

6. You are exalted, O Truth of perfection, by what belongs to it
Of might, glorification, and magnificence

٦. تكبرت يا حق الكمال بما له
من العز والتسبيح والعظمية

7. You are glorified, O Truth of beauty, by what belongs to it
Of pure mercy and affection

٧. تمجدت يا حق الجمال بماله
من الرحموت المحض والعاطفية

8. You were revealed to me, O Truth, manifest in creation
Yet my essence was not affirmed in revelation

٨. تجليت لي يا حق في الخلق ظاهراً
فما ثبتت عند التجلي حقيقتي

9. And You purified me as sheer Truth, as if inventing me
And a metaphorical being in existence became my essence

٩. ومحضتني حقاً بحيث اخترعتني
وعين مجاز في الوجود أنيتي

10. So O Truth, by the Truth, make Truth my stance
And in Truth my states, and by the Truth my strength

١٠. فيا حق بالحق اجعل الحق موقفي
وفي الحق أطواري وبالحق قوتي

11. And aid, O Truth, my authority by the Light of Truth
And glorify, to negate falsehood, the sultan of my proof

١١. وأيد بنور الحق يا حق سطوتي
ومجد لنفي البطل سلطان حجتي