
I direct in God's name my witnesses' faces

أوجه باسم الله وجه شهودي

1. I direct in God's name my witnesses' faces
To the might of God's majesty, Lord of existences

١. أوجه باسم اللّه وجه شهودي
لعز جلال اللّه رب وجودي

2. My private praises to Him and my steadfastness
A falling of praise in a singular falling

٢. تسابيح اخلاصي له وصمودي
سموط ثناء في سموط فريد

3. With every tongue I have broadcast and exerted
And love for Him in the pulp of my heart and its peel

٣. بكل لسان قد بثثن وجيد
وحب له في لب قلبي وقشره

4. And fear equivalent to hope for His kindness
And thanks though I cannot fully thank Him

٤. وخوف يوازيه رجاء لبره
وشكر ومن لي أن أقوم بشكره

5. And praise the existence overflow with spreading
When from it I spread the finest aromas

٥. وحمد تغص الكائنات بنشره
إذا نشرت منه أجل برود

6. And longing that melts the soul without ceasing its heat
And the stance of one compelled, captive in his poverty

٦. وشوق يذيب النفس لا عج حره
ووقفة مضطر أسير بفقره

7. And sincerity - the secret light, filling its secret
And invoking Him, souls come alive with invoking Him

٧. واخلاص سر نوره حشو سره
وذكر له تحيا النفوس بذكره

8. And resurrecting before resurrection one who will abide
I have willingly devoted my purpose to His ordainment

٨. ويبعث قبل البعث من هو مودي
صرفت مرادي فيه طوعاً لصرفه

9. Truly my invocation is that I am the vessel of His being
He has graced me with it, good I knew through His good taste

٩. حقيقة ذكري أنني عين ظرفه
حباني به طيباً عرفت بعرفه

10. The horizons have been perfumed with the goodness of His scent
So no aloes wood in the two abodes competes with perfume

١٠. تعطرت الآفاق من طيب عرفه
فما مسك دارين يشاب بعود

11. It foretells intimacy, noble His station
And it preoccupies mysteries, intoxicated with its drink

١١. يبشر بالزلفى كريم مقامه
ويستغرق الأسرار سكر مدامه

12. Pouring forth the lives of lights towards its cloud
And the light of the sun loans light to the smile of its countenance

١٢. يصب حيا الأنوار صوب غمامه
ويزري بنور الشمس نور ابتسامه

13. When He manifests Himself on blackish pages
I shed my selfhood so nothing remains for me of "I"

١٣. إذا ما تجلى في صحائف سود
تجردت من نفسي فلم يبقَ لي أنا

14. And my soul's passions took flight on wings of annihilation
To the One deserving of glory, honor, and wealth

١٤. وطارت هوى روحي بأجنحة الفنا
لمن هو أهل المجد والعز والغنى

15. To the One deserving of praise, eulogy, and song
To the Bountiful, Beneficent, Best Helper

١٥. لمن هو أهل الحمد والمدح والثنا
لذي الفضل والألاء خير مفيد

16. To the One the created beings bow down prostrate
To the One the originated know as The All-Praiser

١٦. لمن وحدته المبدعات سواجدا
لمن عرفته الموجدات حوامدا

17. To the One the possible beings glorify as The All-Powerful
To the One the existents praise as a testament

١٧. لمن مجدته الممكنات صوامدا
لمن سبحته الكائنات شواهدا

18. In His Oneness and God is the Best Witness
To the One who commissioned what's in earth and heaven

١٨. بتوحيده واللّه خير شهيد
لمن سخر الأشياء في الأرض والسما

19. To the One who is gentlest and most merciful to the creature
To the One who bestowed blessings, perfecting them

١٩. لمن كان بالمخلوق أحفى وأرحما
لمن بسط النعماء منا وتمما

20. Repeating and aiding from hands that are His blessings
So O Most Bountiful Master, I began and will return devotedly

٢٠. أعاد وأيدى من أياديه أنعما
فيا أنعم المولى بدأت فعودي