1. I sought the Majesty of Glorious God,
And sought the Magnificence of the True Truth, my glory and might.
١. قصدت جلال اللّه جل جلاله
وقصد الجليل الحق مجدي وعزتي
2. I witnessed the Majesty of God in His attributes,
So I was dazzled, immersed in my inner sight.
٢. شهدت جلال اللّه حيث صفاتُه
فابهتني مستغرقاً لبصيرتي
3. And when the attributes of His Majesty were revealed to me,
There rose from my soul unto nothingness.
٣. ولما تجلت لي نعوت جلاله
تصاعدت من نفسي إلى العدمية
4. His attributes of Majesty were revealed upon my attributes,
Just as my attributes from His attributes were revealed.
٤. تجلت على نعتي نعوت جلاله
كما أنه منها نعوتي تجلت
5. The imperfections appeared, so I discarded them,
And only the light of holiness and oneness remained.
٥. تعرضت الأفياء فانتسخت به
ولم يبق إلا نور قدس ووحدة
6. Ancient Majesty unsuited for any rank,
No majesty compares to His rank.
٦. جلال قديم لا يناسب رتبة
وليست تضاهيه جلالة رتبة
7. A Majesty that humiliates all creatures by His might,
And the greatest might under it is utter humiliation.
٧. جلال تذل الكائنات لعزّه
وأعظم عز تحته محض ذلة
8. O my Glorious Lord, where are my steps,
And my remembrance and thoughts in the Majestic attributes?
٨. الهي جليل الشأن أين مدارجي
وذكري وفكري في الصفات الجليلة
9. This is the end of what praising Hamd has brought,
The utterance of one compelled, whose awe overwhelmed him.
٩. نهاية ما آتى به حَمدُ حائرٍ
ولهجة مضطر واجلال دهشهِ
10. O my God, clothe me in a Majesty befitting me,
A Majesty that elevates me to every court.
١٠. الهي ألبسني جلالاً يليق بي
جلالاً يرقيني إلى كل حضرة
11. By it I ascend, O Majestic One, and arrive
At a station where the lovers have concluded.
١١. به أرتقي يا ذا الجلال وأنتهي
إلى موقف أنهى رجال المحبة