1. Praise be to Allah as He deserves to be praised
For standing by His right to be praised
١. الحمد للّه حق الحمد للّه
بما يقوم بحق الحمد للّه
2. Praise be to Allah, praise good, sublime,
Blessed, as befits praising Him
٢. الحمد للّه حمداً طيباً جللاً
مباركاً فيه وفق الحمد للّه
3. Praise be to Allah, matchless praise
For no one matches His Greatness in praise
٣. الحمد للّه حمداً لا نظير له
ولا كفاء لعظم الحمد للّه
4. Praise be to Allah, praise that cannot be fulfilled
Who can fulfill the right of praising Him?
٤. الحمد للّه حمداً لا يقام به
من ذا يقوم بحق الحمد للّه
5. Praise be to Allah, praise that has no equal
No praise or praiser equals praising Him
٥. الحمد للّه حمداً لا يماثله
حمد ولا حمد مثل الحمد للّه
6. Praise be to Allah, praise that has no match
What matches the praise of praising Him?
٦. الحمد للّه حمداً لا يعادله
حمد وأين عديل الحمد للّه
7. Praise be to Allah, ever-manifest praise
As befits the right of praising Him
٧. الحمد للّه حمداً ظاهراً أبداً
كما يكون لحق الحمد للّه
8. Praise be to Allah, praise befitting His bounty
As the duty of praising Him necessitates
٨. الحمد للّه حمداً كفؤ نعمته
كما يحق لفرض الحمد للّه
9. Praise be to Allah, praise beyond obligation
And multiples of the essence of praising Him
٩. الحمد للّه حمداً فوق واجبه
وضعف أضعاف عين الحمد للّه
10. Praise be to Allah, praise beyond my capacity
None can determine the measure of praising Him
١٠. الحمد للّه حمداً فوق مقدرتي
وليس يقدر قدر الحمد للّه
11. Praise be to Allah, praise befitting His perfection
According to the perfection of praising Him
١١. الحمد للّه حمداً لائقاً بكما
ل اللّه حسب كمال الحمد للّه
12. Praise be to Allah, praise befitting His majesty
Above His pleasure is praising Him
١٢. الحمد للّه حمداً لائقاً بجلا
ل اللّه فوق رضاه الحمد للّه
13. Praise be to Allah, praise befitting His beauty
From Him to Him is praising Him
١٣. الحمد للّه حمداً لائقاً بجما
ل اللّه منه إليه الحمد للّه
14. Praise be to Allah, praise befitting His attributes
And that is the station of praising Him
١٤. الحمد للّه حمداً لائقاً بصفا
ت اللّه وهو مقام الحمد للّه
15. Praise be to Allah, praise befitting His names
Wherever His names manifest, praising Him
١٥. الحمد للّه حمداً لائقاً بأسا
مي اللّه أنى تجلى الحمد للّه
16. Praise be to Allah, self praise from Him to Him
Praise equalling the essence of praising Him
١٦. الحمد للّه حمد الذات منه له
حمداً يعادل كنه الحمد للّه
17. Praise be to Allah, endless praise
Existence passes, praising Him remains
١٧. الحمد للّه حمداً لا نفاذ له
يفنى الوجود ويبقى الحمد للّه
18. Praise be to Allah, praise no limit contains
No limit encompasses praising Him
١٨. الحمد للّه حمداً ليس يحصره
حد ولا حد يحوي الحمد للّه
19. Praise be to Allah, praise no number comprises
Beyond counting, exalted is praising Him
١٩. الحمد للّه حمداً لا يحيط به
عد تنزه عنه الحمد للّه
20. Praise be to Allah, none can fulfill
How to fulfill the right of praising Him?
٢٠. الحمد للّه حمداً لا يقام به
كيف القيام بحق الحمد للّه
21. Praise be to Allah, pleasing praise to Him
Fulfilling the right of praising Him
٢١. الحمد للّه حمداً يرتضيه له
حمداً يحقق حق الحمد للّه
22. Praise be to Allah, praised without cause
His godhood necessitates praising Him
٢٢. الحمد للّه محموداً بلا سبب
قضت الوهته بالحمد للّه
23. Praise be to Allah, pure praise that fulfils
The rights owed through praising Him
٢٣. الحمد للّه حمداً زاكياً وجبت
به قضاء حقوق الحمد للّه
24. Praise be to Allah, an essence not fulfilled
For all praise fulfils praising Him
٢٤. الحمد للّه لا تقضى حقيقته
إذ كل حمد قضى بالحمد للّه
25. Praise be to Allah, self-subsisting by His prime nature
All bear witness to praising Him
٢٥. الحمد للّه قيوماً بفطرته
وكلها شاهد بالحمد للّه
26. Praise be to Allah, endless praise, for His
Everlastingness necessitates praising Him
٢٦. الحمد للّه حمداً باقياً فله
حسب البقاء بقاء الحمد للّه
27. Praise be to Allah, Opener of gifts, Granter
Of openings through praising Him's secret
٢٧. الحمد للّه فتاح المواهب وه
اب الفتوح بسر الحمد للّه
28. Praise be to Allah, Best of Providers, who sustains
The worlds, matching praising Him
٢٨. الحمد للّه خير الرازقين مقي
ت العالمين كفاء الحمد للّه
29. Praise be to Allah, Best of Helpers, Forgiver
Forbearing is praising Him
٢٩. الحمد للّه خير الناصرين وخي
ر الغافرين الحليم الحمد للّه
30. Praise be to Allah, Righteous, Beneficent, Eternal
Who gave, enriched, and sufficed praising Him
٣٠. الحمد للّه براً محسناً صمداً
أعطى وأغنى وأقنى الحمد للّه
31. Praise be to Allah, Sustainer of servants, Kind
To servants, Merciful is praising Him
٣١. الحمد للّه رزاق العباد لطي
فاً بالعباد الرحيم الحمد للّه
32. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, Majestic
Of work, Master of bestowals, praising Him
٣٢. الحمد للّه رب العالمين جمي
ل الصنع مولي العطايا الحمد للّه
33. Praise be to Allah, Possessor of bounty, every
Gift and grace is from praising Him
٣٣. الحمد للّه أهل الجود كل يد
ونعمة هي منه الحمد للّه
34. Praise be to Allah, Praised of deeds, Praised
Of essence and attributes, most excellent praising Him
٣٤. الحمد للّه محمود الفعال حمي
د الذات والوصف أسنى الحمد للّه
35. Praise be to Allah, Rightful of praise, no essence
Praised truly but He, praising Him
٣٥. الحمد للّه أهل الحمد ما حمدت
ذات بحق سواه الحمد للّه
36. Praise be to Allah, endless His praises
No creation fulfilled praising Him
٣٦. الحمد للّه لا تحصى محامده
لم يأت خلق بحق الحمد للّه
37. Praise be to Allah, pure for my Lord Most High
I utter sincerely, praising Him
٣٧. الحمد للّه اخلاصاً أحققه
لوجه ربي الأعلى الحمد للّه
38. Praise be to Allah, approval I purify
For His right, from my affairs, praising Him
٣٨. الحمد للّه مرضاة أجردها
لحقه من شؤوني الحمد للّه
39. Praise be to Allah, belief in His Oneness
And promise and warning, praising Him
٣٩. الحمد للّه ايماناً بوحدته
ووعده والوعيد الحمد للّه
40. Praise be to Allah, abundant thanks
And certainty of increase from praising Him
٤٠. الحمد للّه شكراً وافراً ويقي
ناً بالمزيد عليه الحمد للّه
41. Praise be to Allah, will of those loyal
In praise and thanks supremely, praising Him
٤١. الحمد للّه طوع المخلصين له
في الحمد والشكر أعلى الحمد للّه
42. Praise be to Allah, admission and gnosis
Of my incapacity in performing praising Him
٤٢. الحمد للّه اقرار ومعرفة
بالعجز بي عن أداء الحمد للّه
43. Praise be to Allah, recognition of His Might
And my lowliness and need, praising Him
٤٣. الحمد للّه عرفاناً بعزته
وذلتي وافتقاري الحمد للّه
44. Praise be to Allah, submission to His rank
My plea turned to praising Him
٤٤. الحمد للّه اذعاناً برتبته
وجه ابتهالي إليه الحمد للّه
45. Praise be to Allah, from praising rights
Realizing my incapacity, praising Him
٤٥. الحمد للّه من حق الثناء له
ادراك عجزي عنه الحمد للّه
46. Praise be to Allah, I have seen His argument
By His light and guidance, praising Him
٤٦. الحمد للّه قد أبصرت حجته
بنوره وهداه الحمد للّه
47. Praise be to Allah, wherever He acquaints me
With my states and station, praising Him
٤٧. الحمد للّه حمداً حيث عرفني
مراتبي ومقامي الحمد للّه
48. Praise be to Allah, in ease and hardship
He placed me in the abode of praising Him
٤٨. الحمد للّه في عسر وميسرة
أقامني في مقام الحمد للّه
49. Praise be to Allah, for the good He chooses
I accept His choice, praising Him
٤٩. الحمد للّه فيما اختار من خير
رضيت خيرته والحمد للّه
50. Praise be to Allah, in ordaining my interest
Though against my preference, praising Him
٥٠. الحمد للّه في تدبير مصلحتي
ولو بضد اختياري الحمد للّه
51. Praise be to Allah, in renewing His blessing
Long and abundant upon me, praising Him
٥١. الحمد للّه في تجديد نعمته
منا وطولاً عليَّ الحمد للّه
52. Praise be to Allah, removing affliction
And relieving anguish, praising Him
٥٢. الحمد للّه في ضراء كشفها
وكربة قد جلاها الحمد للّه
53. Praise be to Allah, how much He pardons me
And forgives graciously, praising Him
٥٣. الحمد للّه كم أهفو فيوسعني
حلماً ويصفح عني الحمد للّه
54. Praise be to Allah, in my fear I trust in Him
And in my hope He gifts me, praising Him
٥٤. الحمد للّه في خوفي أمنت به
وفي رجائي حباني الحمد للّه
55. Praise be to Allah, His awards enrich me
By need of Him, praising Him
٥٥. الحمد للّه أغنتني جوائزه
بالافتقار إليه الحمد للّه
56. Praise be to Allah, when weary He revives me
Alive through His mercy, praising Him
٥٦. الحمد للّه كم أكدى فينعشني
وحياً برحمته والحمد للّه
57. Praise be to Allah, how many knots He loosens
His subtlety unties, praising Him
٥٧. الحمد للّه كم من عقدة لزبت
فحلها لطفه والحمد للّه
58. Praise be to Allah, He supported and aided me
With His victory and sufficed me, praising Him
٥٨. الحمد للّه آواني وأيدني
بنصره وكفاني الحمد للّه
59. Praise be to Allah, He enriched me and placed me
In a goodly home, praising Him
٥٩. الحمد للّه أغناني وبوأني
مبوءاً حسناً والحمد للّه
60. Praise be to Allah, He exalted me and preferred me
Above many wealthy, praising Him
٦٠. الحمد للّه سواني وفضلني
على كثير غنى والحمد للّه
61. Praise be to Allah, He gave me and enlightened me
With His knowledge and guided me, praising Him
٦١. الحمد للّه أعطاني ونورني
من علمه وهداني الحمد للّه
62. Praise be to Allah, He granted me conviction in Him
In hardship and ease from praising Him
٦٢. الحمد للّه أولاني اليقين به
في العسر واليسر منه الحمد للّه
63. Praise be to Allah, how much He opened and sealed
Gifts from His bestowal, praising Him
٦٣. الحمد للّه كم فتح وخاتمة
من وهبه ساقه لي الحمد للّه
64. Praise be to Allah, He brought me joy, blessings on
Muhammad who guided to praising Him
٦٤. الحمد للّه أسعدني وصل على
محمد مَن هدى للحمد للّه