
O my supreme Lord, and He

يا سيدي الأعلى ومن

1. O my supreme Lord, and He
Whom I counted the strongest of hosts,

١. يا سَيّدي الأَعلى وَمَن
عَدَّدتُهُ أَقوى العُدَدْ

2. Your birds have alighted on me, and
You brought them near from afar.

٢. حَلَّت طُيورُكَ بي وَقَد
قَرّبتَ مِنها ما بُعدْ

3. You unveiled their secret to us,
So the young birds whispered it to me.

٣. كاشَفتَنا عَن سرِّها
فَوَشى إِليّ بِها الصُرَدْ

4. A house that indicates your belief
In you, O beautiful object of belief,

٤. بَيتا يَدُلُّ عَلى اِعتقا
دِك يا جَميلَ المُعتَقَدْ

5. The Highest Eyebrow, the Strong Arm,
Delight of the eye of the dependent.

٥. الحاجِبُ الأَعلى العضدْ
قرةُ عين المعتمدْ