
Oh beauty of beauty and kindness

يا بديع الحسن والإح

1. Oh beauty of beauty and kindness
Oh full moon shining bright

١. يا بَديعَ الحُسنِ وَالإِح
سانِ يا بَدرَ الدَياجي

2. Oh gazelle who has fled from me
With a glittering coat, ferocious lion

٢. يا غَزالاً صادَ مِنّي
بِالطُلَى لَيثَ الهَياجِ

3. We have been enlightened by your brilliance
Beyond any need for lamplight

٣. قَد غَنينا بِسَنا وَجْ
هَكَ عَن ضَوءِ السراجِ