
O my companion whom my eyes and soul have parted from

أيها الصاحب الذي فارقت عي

1. O my companion whom my eyes and soul have parted from
We are in the gathering which bestows tranquility and pleasing audition and song

١. أَيُّها الصاحِب الَّذي فارَقَت عي
ني وَنَفسي مِنهُ السَنى وَالسَناءَ

2. We partake in that which makes you forget in pleasure, and gentleness, love and passion
So come to find rest, and greetings

٢. نَحنُ في المَجلِسِ الَّذي يَهَبُ الرا
حَةَ وَالمَسمَع الغَني وَالغناءَ

3. They have prepared for you life and modesty

٣. نَتَعاطى الَّتي تُنَسِّيكَ في اللَذ
ذَة وَالرقَة الهَوى وَالهَواءَ

٤. فَأتِهِ تُلفِ راحَةً وَمُحَيّا
قَد أَعَدّا لَكَ الحَيا وَالحَياءَ