
News of your family has spread horizons

أنباء أسرك قد طبقن آفاقا

1. News of your family has spread horizons
Rather, they have spread to all parts of the earth, worrying

١. أَنباءُ أَسرك قَد طَبّقن آفاقا
بَل قَد عَمَّمن جِهاتِ الأَرضِ إِقلاقا

2. It went from the west, its feet are not folded
Until it came to its east shining brightness

٢. سارَت مِن الغَربِ لا تُطوى لَها قَدَمٌ
حَتّى أَتَت شَرقَها تَنعاكَ إِشراقا

3. So grief burned livers and hearts
And drowned tears, eyelids and eyebrows

٣. فَأَحرَقَ الفَجعُ أَكباداً وَأَفئِدَةً
وَأَغرَقَ الدَمعَ آماقاَ وَأَحداقا

4. The chest of glories had narrowed when she was mourned for it
And it was said that shackles had narrowed upon you

٤. قَد ضاقَ صَدرُ المَعالي إِذ نُعِيَت لَها
وَقيل إِنَّ عَلَيكَ القَيدَ قَد ضاقا

5. How were you overcome when you were the time of overcoming
For the victors and the first of the racers

٥. أَنَّى غُلبتَ وَكُنتَ الدهر ذا غَلبٍ
لِلغالِبين وَلِلسباق سَبّاقا

6. I said misfortunes humiliated me with their nightly visitors
And my determination for the enemies was keen

٦. قُلتُ الخُطوبُ أَذَلَتني طَوارِقُها
وَكانَ عَزميَ لِلأَعداءِ طَرّاقا

7. When did you see the turns of time leaving
When dangers rose for those of great perils, spears

٧. مَتى رَأَيتَ صُروفَ الدهرِ تارِكَةً
إِذا اِنبَرَت لِذَوي الأَخطارِ أَرماقا