1. O King whose generosity has enriched me
I have never known hardship in the sea of your blessings
١. أَيا مَلِكا عَمَّني فَضلُهُ
وَلَم ألف في بَحر نُعماه زَجرا
2. We are accustomed to seas that ebb and flow
Yet the sea of your hands refuses islands
٢. عَهِدنا البِحار لِزَجرٍ وَمَدٍّ
وَتأبى بِحارُ أَياديكَ جَزرا
3. When you were pleased, we left our wishes
And they kept coming in succession
٣. دَعَونا الأَمانيَ لَمّا رَضيتَ
فَجاءَت تَوالي عَلَينا وَتَترى
4. I have no more hopes left to wish for
Except to give thanks for your blessings
٤. فَلَم يَبقَ لي أَمَلٌ أرتَجيه
سِوى أَن أَقومَ بِنُعماكَ شُكرا
5. You remain while no kingdom remains
That your palm has not overcome by might and force
٥. بَقيتَ وَلا مُلكَ إِلّا وَقَد
غَدا مِلكَ كَفِّكَ قَهراً وَقَسرا