
A maiden came, and dusk had made

غلامية جاءت وقد جعل الدجى

1. A maiden came, and dusk had made
A ring on her finger with gems arrayed.

١. غُلاميَةٌ جاءَت وَقَد جَعَلَ الدُجى
لِخاتَمَ فيها فَصٌّ غاليَة خَطّا

2. I said I'd match with lids that shone
The lips' sweet red, not borrowed, her own.

٢. فَقُلتُ أُحاجيها بِما في جُفونِها
ما في الشِفاهِ اللُعسِ مِن حُسنِها المُعطّى

3. Eyes wandering, not wine-oppressed,
When did your glances steep themselves in myrrh?

٣. مُحَيَّرَةَ العَينَين في غَيرِ سَكرَةٍ
مَتى شَرَبت أَلحاظُ عَينَيك اِسفَنطا

4. I see toothstick's savor on the red of her mouth,
And her chin, by musk made fresh, brushed over.

٤. أَرى نَكهَةَ المِسواك في حُمرَةِ اللَمى
وَشارِبَك المُخضَر بِالمِسكِ قَد خُطّا

5. I fancy the rainbow has kissed it, and left it
Marked on her moist lip with a wrote that won't fade.

٥. عَسى قُزَحا قَبَّلتِهِ فَأخالُهُ
عَلى الشِفَة اللَمياء قَد جاء مُخَطّا