
Oh Responder to prayer, your call reached one who answers,

يا مجابا دعا إلى مستجيب

1. Oh Responder to prayer, your call reached one who answers,
We heard your prayer from nearby,

١. يا مُجابا دَعا إِلى مُستَجِيبِ
فَسَمِعنا دُعاءَه مِن قَريبِ

2. If I do what you called me to,
You would have what you wish, the apple of your eye.

٢. إِن فَعَلتُ الَّذي دَعَوتَ إِلَيهِ
كُنتَ فيما رغبتَ عينُ رَغِيبِ