
I wept to a flock of wild cats as they passed by me,

بكيت إلى سرب القطا إذ مررن بي

1. I wept to a flock of wild cats as they passed by me,
Unfettered hawks, no prison confines them, no shackles.

١. بَكيتُ إِلى سربِ القَطا إِذ مَرَرنَ بي
سَوارِحَ لا سِجنٌ يَعوقُ وَلا كبلُ

2. By Allah, it was not out of envy,
But out of yearning - for their shape is like mine.

٢. وَلَم تَكُ وَاللَهُ المعيذُ حسادَةً
وَلَكِن حَنيناً إِنّ شَكلي لَها شَكلُ

3. So fly away, neither my body impaired nor my soul,
Neither sick nor my eyes weeping their bereavement.

٣. فاِسرح فَلا شملي صَديعٌ ولا الحَشا
وَجيعٌ وَلا عَينايَ يُبكيهِما ثَكلُ

4. Happy are they that none of them are separated,
That none among them tasted the remoteness from their folk.

٤. هَنيئاً لَها أَن لَم يُفَرِّق جَميعُها
ولا ذاقَ مِنها البُعدَ عَن أَهلِها أَهلُ

5. That they do not, like me, spend the night with their hearts fluttering,
Whenever the prison door creaks or the lock rattles.

٥. وَأَن لَم تَبِت مِثلي تَطيرُ قُلوبُها
إِذا اهتَزَّ بابُ السجنِ أَو صلصلَ القفلُ

6. This is not what actually befalls me, but
I described what was inborn in creation from the first.

٦. وَما ذاكَ مِمّا يَعتَريني وَإِنَّما
وَصَفتُ الَّذي في جِبلَةِ الخَلق مِن قَبلُ

7. For my soul, yearning to meet the doves,
Nothing equals me in loving to live free of fetters.

٧. لِنَفسي إِلى لُقيا الحِمامِ تَشوُّفٌ
سِوايَ يُحِبُّ العَيشَ في ساقِهِ كَبلُ

8. Oh, may Allah protect the wild cats and their young!
For my young deserted me, failed by food and shade.

٨. أَلا عَصَمَ اللَهُ القَطا في فِراخِها
فَإِنَّ فِراخي خانَها الماءُ وَالظِلُّ