1. Will our meeting be as we wish, and bring delight
So we keep greeting mornings in bliss and bright?
١. أَتُرى اللِقاءَ كَما نُحِبُّ يُوَفَّقُ
فَنَظَلُ نُصبِحُ بِالسُرورِ وَنَغبَقُ
2. My longing heart for him will not relent or tire
Though nights without him test me with their length dire
٢. حَتّامَ تُمطِلُني اللَيالي قُربَ مَن
قَلبي لَهُ مُتَشَوِّفٌ مُتَشَوِّقُ
3. A king, most noble, whose gaze I covet to share
Mine eyes for his glance pine, his eyes for me care
٣. مَلِكٌ أَغَرُّ أَغارُ أَن تَحظى بِهِ
لِسوايَ أَلحاظٌ وَلَحظي مُملَقُ
4. I'd sacrifice myself for the victorious commander
He makes the generous deed smooth and meander
٤. أَفدي أَبا الجَيشِ المُوَفَّقَ إِنَّهُ
لَلمَكرُماتِ مُيَسَّرُ وَمُوَفَّقُ
5. Time glories in him, glowing as it dresses
His face adorns time's face, enhances its fairness
٥. باهى بِهِ الزَمانَ البهيُّ كَأَنَّهُ
نَشرٌ عَلى وَجهِ الزَمانِ وَرَونَقُ
6. A king whose sweet praise, when fortunes start to fade
Keeps our mouths murmuring homage decades made
٦. مَلكٌ إِذا فُهنا بِطيبِ ثَنائِهِ
ظَلَّت بِهِ أَفواهُنا تَتَمَطَّقُ
7. To rule's essence that with his years it's now graced
He's the crown and rule the brow where he's placed
٧. حَسبُ الرِئاسَةِ أَن غَدَت مزدَانَةً
بِسَناه فَهوَ التاجُ وَهيَ المفرقُ