1. Orietta, you are the gem of time
You have conquered kingdoms with resolve
١. أُريَّة أَنتِ فائِدَةُ الزمانِ
فَقَد فُقتِ المَمالِكَ في مَعانِ
2. We sought you from a distant land
God brought you near without delay
٢. وَقَد رُمناكِ مِن بَلَدٍ بَعيدٍ
فَأَدناكِ الإِلَهُ بِلا تَوانِ
3. We exerted our determination and prudence
And accustomed the critics to blame
٣. بَذَلنا جُهدَنا عَزما وَحَزماً
وَوَطَّنّا الكُماةَ عَلى الطِعانِ
4. We employed our wills and efforts
And wielded swords with spears
٤. وَأَجهَدنا العَزائِمَ وَالمَساعي
وَأَعملَنا الحُسامَ مَعَ السِنانِ
5. To bring joy to the people of Malaga after my victory
And honor them after humiliation
٥. لِيُهَنيء أَهلَ مالِقَةَ اِنتِصاري
وَإِعزازي لَهُم بَعدَ الهَوانِ
6. Suckling goodness will save and nurture them
If the milk of my kindness flows
٦. سَيُنقِذُهُم وَيُنميهِم جَميعاً
رِضاعُ الخَيرِ إِن دَرَّت لِباني
7. And I will raise them to the highest ranks
As the fruit of my hopes is reaped
٧. وَأُرقيهِم ذُرى دَرَجِ المَعالي
كَما أُجنيهِمُ ثَمرَ الأَماني
8. What my tongue expresses to them
Is only a portion of what my soul desires
٨. وَأَضعافُ الَّذي يُبدي لِساني
إِلَيهِم ما يَجِنُّ لَهُم جِناني
9. They rightly owe me gratitude
For my benevolence is not in expectation of return
٩. فَحُقَّ عَلَيهِمُ شُكرُ اِمتِعاضي
وَما خلقي اِمتِنانٌ بِامتِنانِ
10. But truths are revealing
And news often replaces seeing
١٠. وَلَكِنَّ الحَقائِقَ مُخبِراتٌ
وَكَم خَبَرٍ يَنوبُ عَنِ العيانِ
11. Did I not free them from the disgrace of blasphemy
That had held them tightly in its reins
١١. أَلَم أُعتِقهُمُ مِن ذُلِّ كُفرٍ
جَرى في ضيمِهِم مِلءَ العِنانِ
12. With the burning of their Torah their misery was prolonged
Until my resolute Yemeni rage was stirred
١٢. وَتوراةٌ مُحَرَّقَةٌ أَعَزَّت
فَطالَت ذُلَّةُ السَبعِ المَثاني
13. And the unsheathed swords got to work
Their decree was the magic of eloquence
١٣. إِلى أَن ثارَ بي عَزمٌ يَمانٍ
فَأَدرَكَ سُؤلهُ العَضبُ اليَماني
14. Righteousness returned inhabited and prosperous
While wickedness demolished and in ruins
١٤. وَأُنضيَتِ الصَوارِمُ خاطِياتٍ
فَكانَ قَضاؤها سِحرُ البَيانِ
15. Their imam stood to pray
And the call to prayer rang in their ears
١٥. فَعادَ البِرُّ مَعمورَ المَغاني
وَآضَ الفسقُ مَهدومَ المَباني
16. The rightly guided were either
Slain or maimed in mind among the impious
١٦. وَقامَ إِمامُ جامِعِهِم يُصَلّي
وَآنسَتِ المَسامِعُ بِالآذانِ
17. Since the Jews joined with their piety
The swords made permissible their wedding
١٧. وَكانَ ذَوو الهُدى ما بَينَ ثاوٍ
قَتيلٍ أَو فَقيدِ العَقلِ فانِ
18. I seek reward for my efforts against them
Whether young or helper in their misguidance
١٨. مُذِ اِقتَرَنَت بِبَرِّهِمُ يَهودٌ
أَباحَ حُسامُهُم حُسنَ القِرانِ
19. Martyrdom in God's cause will suffice
With paradise as its reward
١٩. عَتادي أجرُ ما أولَيتُ فيهِم
مِنَ الفَتَكاتِ بِكرٍ أَو عَوانِ
٢٠. وَحَسبي في سَبيلِ اللَه مَوتٌ
يَكونُ ثَوابُهُ خُلدَ الجِنانِ