
O you who pursue generosity with gifts

يا متبع الاكرام إنعاما

1. O you who pursue generosity with gifts
And repay kindness with perfect completion

١. يا مُتبِعَ الاكرام إِنعاما
وَمُتبَعَ الانعام إِتماما

2. And are just among the people, yet
Wealth has made you unjust and dark

٢. وَعادِلاً في الناس لَكِنَّه
أَصبَح لِلأموال ظَلاما

3. You have combined in your palm the sea of munificence
With a sword you have sheathed decisively

٣. قَرَنتَ في كَفَّك بحر النَدى
بِصارِمٍ أَسكَنتَهُ الهاما

4. And you have gathered in yourself the virtues of all
And have held views and courage

٤. وَجُمّعت فيكَ خِصال الوَرى
وَحُزتَ آراءً وَإِقداما

5. Thus death and life are under your auspices
You have wielded swords and pens

٥. فالمَوتُ وَالعَيشُ بيُمناك قَد
صرّفت أَسيافاً وَأَقلاما

6. You have weighed down my back with gifts so
I am silenced in gratitude to you

٦. أَثقَلتَ بالإِنعام ظَهري فَقَد
أُفحِمتُ عَن شكركَ إِفحاما

7. I have spilled my blood in gifts so you may see
It adds years to your life

٧. سَفَكتُ إِفضالاً دَمي كَي تُرى
تَزيدَ في عُمرِكَ أَعواما

8. So submit to shedding the blood of enemies
As the dawn dispels the darkness

٨. فاِسلَم لإِهراق دِماءِ العِدى
ما طَرَدَ الإِصباحُ إِظلاما