
The flowers of speech in passion became my flowers

زهر الأسنة في الهيجا غدت زهري

1. The flowers of speech in passion became my flowers
I planted its trees, anticipating the fruit

١. زُهرُ الأَسِنَّة في الهَيجا غَدَت زَهري
غَرَستُ أَشجارَها مُستَجزِلَ الثَمَرِ

2. Whenever I mentioned to it any battle of glory
I adorned it with the mention of the sharp sword

٢. ما إِن ذَكَرتُ لَها مِن مَعرَكٍ جَلَلٍ
إِلّا تَجَلَّلتُهُ بِالصارِمِ الذكرِ

3. Until my enemies started addressing me
O killer of people with armies and ideas

٣. حَتّى غَدَوتُ وَأَعدائي تُخاطِبُني
يا قاتِلَ الناس بِالأَجنادِ وَالفِكَرِ