1. O moon that enriches my heart
Words unmarred by any falsehood
١. يا قَمَراً أفقُهُ فُؤادي
مقالةٌ لَم تُشَب بِإِفكِ
2. And he who tries to steal the essence
Of this sacred speech holds its treasure
٢. وَمَن غَدا مُسترقَ حُرّ ال
كَلامِ قَد حازَهُ بِمُلكِ
3. I scattered the pearls of verse
To build in the mind an exquisite edifice
٣. نَثَرتُ دُرّ القَريض نَثراً
يَقومُ ذهني لَهُ بِسِلكِ
4. I lost the pearl of an ingenious mind
That brings forth gems from an ocean of understanding
٤. فَقدتُ لِلَّه دَرُّ ذهنٍ
يُخرِجُ دُرّا مِن بَحر فَكِّ
5. The birds came to bid farewell
To your secret, O essence of all dominion
٥. وَجاءَت الطَيرُ مودّعاتٍ
سِرّك يا سرّ كُلّ مُلكِ
6. Two verses revealed an affection
You had assured me of beyond any doubt
٦. بَيتانِ دَلّا عَلى وِدادٍ
مَحَضتَهُ لي بِغَير شَكِّ