
My chains, do you not know I am a Muslim?

قيدي أما تعلمني مسلما

1. My chains, do you not know I am a Muslim?
You refused to show mercy or compassion.

١. قَيدي أَما تَعلمني مُسلما
أَبَيتَ أَن تُشفِقَ أَو تَرحَما

2. My blood is your drink, and the flesh
You have eaten, do not break the bones.

٢. دَمي شَرابٌ لَكَ وَاللَحمُ قَد
أَكَلتهُ لا تَهشم الأَعظُما

3. Abu Hashim sees me in you,
So he writhes, and his heart is shattered.

٣. يُبصِرُني فيكَ أَبو هاِشمٍ
فَيَنثَني وَالقَلبُ قَد هُشِّما

4. Have mercy on Tufayl, crazed is his mind,
He did not fear to come to you begging.

٤. اِرحَم طُفَيلاً طائِشاً لُبّهُ
لَم يَخشَ أَن يأتيكَ مُستَرحِما

5. Have mercy on Tufayl, crazed is his mind.
You made them drink it, causing the blind weeping,

٥. واِرحَم طُفَيلاً طائِشاً لُبّهُ
جَرّعتَهُنَّ عَلَيهِ لِلبُكاء العَمى

6. Among them is one who understands something, so
We feared for him, causing the blind weeping,

٦. مِنهُنَّ مَن يَفهَم شَيئاً فَقَد
خِفنا عَلَيهِ لِلبُكاء العَمى

7. While the other understands nothing, so he
Opens only for suckling, nothing else.

٧. وَالغَيرُ لا يَفهَمُ شَيئاً فَما
يَفتَحُ إِلّا للرّضاعِ فَما